OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

there just flat out … out skating us… millers the only one giving us a chance to stay with them the d needs to play tighter. .and we need to get good passing and hit them rebounds.


they need to do work.

fuck all this one team one goal bullshit.

Worst. Game. Ever.

Just shoot the goddamn puck on the power fucking play.


i cant stand this VS announcer calling the net a cage

Yeah fuck this shit.


They can win 4 in a row!!!


Bandwagon is empty. This is really really poor play.

Sad, just sad…:frowning:

My favorite part was the short-handed 2 on 0 break away. WTF?!?:biglaugh:
Miller is the ONLY one who stepped it up.

i cant stand all you fucking whiny ass little bitch bandwagon fans. fuck. we’re having a bad series, the sens are a great team, only one can advance. stop being fucking little complaining fuckheads and enjoy the hockey games.

yeah, our PP sucks. yeah miller held us in the game. STOP FUCKING COMPLAINING. JESUS CHRIST.

pathetic. This was the game miller was to steal. he did his part. 15 SOG for the whole game. just…wow.
where are my old sabres!!

I am laughing, NOT complaining.

Ottawa is making it a boys against men series, just like they did to pittsburgh. I think it’s fair that we can complain about their piss poor performance. Yes Ottawa is a good team, but Buffalo is not as bad as they have been playing this series. It’s not even just this series alone, they have been pretty terrible throughout the playoffs, aside from game 6 against the Rangers.

I’m pretty bummed.

sorry fuckwad…im not a band wagoner. im a die hard fan, and have always been. we have every right to complain. the sens are a good team, if they werent, they wouldnt be there. i have nothing bad to say about them. as for the sabres, having a bad day is one thing…playing like they are a pee wee league for 3 games straight is a whole different story. They are much better then that, and everyone knows it.

i dont even know what to say. i wanna be pissed, but right now im just speechless. 1-0? wtfuck. thats the first time weve been shut out in 23409284 years :bloated:

i think one word sums up this series so far…wow:tdown:

also, am i on crack for thinking we can still do this? i still think we can pull off 4 fucking wins in a row. I REFUSE TO GIVE UP ON THIS TEAM