OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

I’m gonna go throw up. Down 3-0 in the series. Its depressing thinking about how well we played during the regular season. Guess we peaked to soon.

EDIT This won’t keep me from intently watching game 4 and screaming at my tv! For the Sabres sake, I hope I’m wrong. GO SABRES!!!

Ill be waiting for my check…

edit: I dont trust you, youre too sheisty.

I want cash

lol, i never made the bet. how about a sensual back rub instead and we call it even :poke: :hay:

Dear Mr. Miller,

Thank you for answering your Coach and showing up in Game 3, while the rest of your team laid down. Tough break on the rebound, but fantastic job overall.

Hope the golf game goes well this summer. I hear that new Nike driver is pretty sweet.

Best Regards,

Throw in a tug and you have a dealoh my god thats too gay

Are you fucking serious? You must not even care about the team. People are complaining because they want them to win. It’s not enough to just sit there and watch them play some of their worst hockey all season. Who would enjoy watching that? I love hockey, but I love it more when my team actually wins.

We might as well just close the thread if we can’t comment on the team. Get real.

I think I speak for everyone when I say




That’s for sure.

The Sabres aren’t playing 100%. The Senators are an AMAZING team no doubt, but the Sabres needed to step it up, and they didn’t.


Right. For whatever reason, it seems that the team has not stepped up to a playoff level of performance. It was clear in the Islanders series that they were not playing at their highest level.

Teams always get into a funk, unfortunately, the Sabres funk came at the worst time.

100% Agree.

word. he will win the cup some year… i.e with ANOTHER TEAM

Someone tell me I missed the entire season this year, and we’re not the number 1 offense in the NHL for the regular season…

Thank you miller, for even giving us a chance.

I hear losman has been looking good :tup:

Well, I’m glad I spent last weekend getting the boat ready to go, because I think Saturday will be a great day for fishing since I won’t have to worry about being home to watch the Sabres.

At first I was screaming at my tv during the power play, “JUST FUCKING SHOOT!”. By the end of the game I was just laughing.

But hey, all the bandwagoners got their wish. Most of them were so die hard about getting that president’s trophy. Yay… we got it. Maybe we should have been trying different combinations on the PP, not caring if they resulted in us losing a game if they led to us finding a solution to the season long PP issue.

So, does Lindy try a little something for game 4? Bench Kalinin or Spacek in favor or Paetch. Bench someone in favor of Stafford. Maybe finally admit Ottawa is going to rape us like a child molester at Attica if we keep putting a forward on the point?

Any '04 Boston Magic for the city of Buffalo or is there much more losing ahead before that happens??

That was the game to show up for. They didn’t show up.

I’ll be working on the heavybag, good night :tup:

i hope Lindy stay’s…

Is that a baseball reference (I don’t watch baseball), because the only two NHL teams to come back from 3-0 were the Leafs in the 40’s, and the Islanders in 75.

Yes it is… In 2004 the Boston Red Sox came back from 3 games to beat the NY Yankees in the ALCS. It was the worst moment I have ever been through. :ham: