OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

WTB: Game 5 tix… ah-no, is that broom coming…


Yes it is… In 2004 the Boston Red Sox came back from 3 games to beat the NY Yankees in the ALCS. It was the worst moment I have ever been through. :ham:


Yeah, that fucking sucked. Maybe we can pull it off. I still believe? Burgundy? I got nothing. :poke:

There can’t be much more losing this season. Our backs are against the wall. Its all or nothing now.


There can’t be much more losing this season.


I’m thinking just one more. :lol:

i have run out of babies to punch.

My friend has a stuffed animal that loses a limb for every Sabres loss. It can’t be in good shape right now.


My friend has a stuffed animal that loses a limb for every Sabres loss. It can’t be in good shape right now.



might as well play all the roch people next game to see who we should bring up next year.

miller has shit the bed the whole post season. he was good today tho.


Ie the only two NHL teams to come back from 3-0 were the Leafs in the 40’s, and the Islanders in 75.


ugh thats waht i was looking for that… looks like the NHL is about due for a 0-3 comeback almost 35 years…


miller has shit the bed the whole post season. he was good today tho.


i disagree (about the post season, not about tonight)

one word… Disapointment




You’re a fucking retard.

People are complaining because they are upset that we’re down 3 games to FUCKING ZERO in the Eastern Conference Finals.

As a real fan I find it hard to “just enjoy the hockey games” when my team managers 14 shots on goal in the most crucial game of the season.

Excuse me for giving a shit.







“bake em away, toys”

i won’t throw in the towel yet. i say SOMEHOW we fucking win on wednesday to bring game 5 back home. after that, ive got nothing but hopes for the best…

seriously, thank you ryan fucking miller for being the ONLY reason it was a 1-0 game

and whoever (i think jaysgreenlx/bluerex) talked about the funk…the best i got is that it all relates to injuries. last year we excelled in the face of adversity with injury after injury throughout the playoffs. this year, we get our entire team back FOR the playoffs and we fucking blow. its like the subs got used to playing with the subs and when the regulars show up we shit a brick

im just speechless…apparently we are NOT the best team in the league. at least we’ll have a few banners to hang up next season :gotme:

Too much magic used up in the first two series? Is Ottawa that good? Maybe it’s just not meant to me. But then again, Ottawa still has to win one more game…

Fucking FUCK FUCK!!!

Can someone slit kalinins throat.

Play Stafford, Macarthur, Mair, Paetche

Well, at least if we get pwned on wednesday then i can drown my sorrows with an all night Halo 3 beta-a-thon :cry:


Well, at least if we get pwned on wednesday then i can drown my sorrows with an all night Halo 3 beta-a-thon :cry:


fyi, i will be awake at 3am wednesday morning when it goes live :tup:


Too much magic used up in the first two series? Is Ottawa that good? Maybe it’s just not meant to me. But then again, Ottawa still has to win one more game…


what magic? we havent shown an ounce of magic yet, thats the shitty part…