OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

fuck… last year I broke my hand, this year I broke my arm (just got back from the ER and have to go see an orthopedic surgen in 2 hours). I’m gonna just stop watching


fuck… last year I broke my hand, this year I broke my arm (just got back from the ER and have to go see an orthopedic surgen in 2 hours). I’m gonna just stop watching


Holy shit man. I called you back, yesterday but you didn’t answer. You must have been getting that taken care of.

I’ll buy ya a couple drinks, sounds like you need em.

If there was any doubt as to who the sabres were going to keep next year, I think Chris Drury answered that.

As roby reffered to him before as having “bulldog courage”, man was he ever right.

Just seeing him flopping all over the ice, blocking shots, and getting his ass back out there. Then taking a knuckleball in the face, getting sewn up, and coming back with a cage on his face to play the rest of the game.

What a player, this guy would have died on the ice for his team. I can’t speak any more highly of what a hockey player he is.

Now the question is who the sabres will keep?

I bet they will unload Briere, and some of their defense.

I really hope they keep Zubrus. The guy worked his ass off every game. It might not show on the score sheet, but he was a great pickup.

And ryan miller has matured so much as a goaltender. He played unreal in that loss last night. There is only so much he can do, the defense didn’t help him enough.

At the other end of the ice, Emery looked like dogshit. Ottawa is going to get slaughtered by the west in the cup finals. Buffalo had the chance to exploit emery, and they absolutely did not. I have never seen a goaltender with such poor rebound control. It was disgusting that buffalo couldn’t get more goals on him.

Ottawa’s defense has improved a thousand percent over last year, but I don’t think that will be enough for them to win the cup.


If there was any doubt as to who the sabres were going to keep next year, I think Chris Drury answered that.

As roby reffered to him before as having “bulldog courage”, man was he ever right.

Just seeing him flopping all over the ice, blocking shots, and getting his ass back out there. Then taking a knuckleball in the face, getting sewn up, and coming back with a cage on his face to play the rest of the game.

What a player, this guy would have died on the ice for his team. I can’t speak any more highly of what a hockey player he is.

Now the question is who the sabres will keep?

I bet they will unload Briere, and some of their defense.

I really hope they keep Zubrus. The guy worked his ass off every game. It might not show on the score sheet, but he was a great pickup.

And ryan miller has matured so much as a goaltender. He played unreal in that loss last night. There is only so much he can do, the defense didn’t help him enough.

At the other end of the ice, Emery looked like dogshit. Ottawa is going to get slaughtered by the west in the cup finals. Buffalo had the chance to exploit emery, and they absolutely did not. I have never seen a goaltender with such poor rebound control. It was disgusting that buffalo couldn’t get more goals on him.

Ottawa’s defense has improved a thousand percent over last year, but I don’t think that will be enough for them to win the cup.


they only brough in zubes for the playoffs, he’s WAY too expensive for them to keep

it shitty the season is over but i had a great time watching them and win or lose im still a fan. druy is sick he better stay


they only brough in zubes for the playoffs, he’s WAY too expensive for them to keep


Not really. Alot of money is going to be there from Briere leaving.

Man, I just can’t comment here. All I can say is instead of listening to NBC’s announcers pull dingleberries off their asshairs and preach about them, I spent the afternoon listening to Rick and Jim wrenching on the '68. Peeked my head in a few times to watch goal replays. For me, it was the best way to let the season go.

We had fun all year, thanks for a great one Golisano. :tup:

PS: Now I will have to listen to actual radio, I’ll have to leave WGR off until the sting goes away. Fuck.

My take:

The Sabres have provided our city with the most exciting NHL season of the year. Staying on top of the eastern conference for the entire year, So many last min wins and getting to the conference finals. It’s been a blast watching them…all year long and the Buffalo area/fans/support has been fantastic. When you drive around the area and everyone is wearing Buffalo Sabres gear, have their sabres flags hanging out of their cars and are honking their horns to the tune of “lets-go-buf-fa-lo” It truly is an amazing experience. 10,000 people standing outside the arena cause they couldn’t get tickets, sold out all season long, presidents trophy… yeah there have been a lot of bandwagon fans, but who cares. From October 06–>may 07 there has not been a better place to be a hockey fan. They didn’t win the cup…Thats ok, I didn’t think they would this year anyway. But I gaurentee that I had more fun watching them this year and being in a city where hockey is huge, then I would have in any other city. I love my sabres, still the best :slight_smile:

let us do some fine tuning and we’ll bring the pain next year:headbang:

Fine Tuning:

Goodbye Briere, hello 5 million in extra cap room
Welcome back Chris Drury (can anyone say FRANCHISE PLAYER)
Welcome back Danius Zubrus (hopefully)
GOOD FUCKING BYE KALININ, welcome to being a starter Nathan Paetsch
(Hopefully) Welcome back Thomas Vanek
Goodbye Teppo Numinen (although he played real well last night…maybe they will ditch out spacek and keep numinnen for another season)…either way Hello extra 3 million of cap room
Hello Stanley Cup '08

i seriously hate spacek now. we bring this guy in for both his “expertise” playing the point on the PP and for his “cunning playoff abilities”, and the guy is A. not playing on the power play, and B. averaging under 15 minutes of icetime a game

his was only good for edmonton playing with pronger…methinks i’d rather have teppo for another season than space-Kay…

also, kotalik being -3 in the playoffs isnt too thrilling either…

:tup: to another great season. eventho we didnt look too hot in the ottawa series, dont forget, ottawa won 3 of the games by a goal. if things would have went a little different in OT we would be up 3-2.

i hope darcy can keep most of the team together. this team has all the makings of a dynasty. ottawa on the other hand, eventho the heatly/spezza/alfredsson forward line is a point scoring machine, the team wouldnt have survived if their other lines didnt shut down the opposing teams offence. with heatly, spezza, alfredsson, redden and phillips accounting for half their salary cap and about half of the senators roster up for UFA/RFA at the end of the season, their screwed.


Fine Tuning:

Goodbye Briere, hello 5 million in extra cap room
Welcome back Chris Drury (can anyone say FRANCHISE PLAYER)
Welcome back Danius Zubrus (hopefully)
GOOD FUCKING BYE KALININ, welcome to being a starter Nathan Paetsch
(Hopefully) Welcome back Thomas Vanek
Goodbye Teppo Numinen (although he played real well last night…maybe they will ditch out spacek and keep numinnen for another season)…either way Hello extra 3 million of cap room
Hello Stanley Cup '08


:word: the fuck up to that lol.I cant wait for next season to see what changes we have made.


But I gaurentee that I had more fun watching them this year and being in a city where hockey is huge, then I would have in any other city. I love my sabres, still the best :slight_smile:


Nail right on the head there man :tup:


Fine Tuning:



Man, one of these days I’m buying you a beer :tup: That’s pretty much spot-on what I see happening, although I think Nummie will retire.

It took Detroit a couple of BIG losses to get their Cup in '97, too.
“Why do we fall? To learn to pick ourselves up again.”

2008 :headbang:


although I think Nummie will retire.


fwiw, team teppo lead the NHL in post-season +/- at +10 AND for being an old man still logged 20+ minutes a game

also, insider scoop, but numinnen just dropped 30K on refinishing his basement IN BUFFALO…this guys not planning on going anywhere but here…whether or not that means as a coach is undetermined. i see buffalo tossing him the option of another 2.5mill for another season if he plays…and judging by his stats, i think he’ll give it another stab which in honesty would be fucking great for this team’s chemistry. we keep numminen, it gives us the freedom to say peace the fuck out to spacek or kalinin, bring up paetsch, and not have to worry about having a fresh defender to work into the system. but what we will need is a new 7th defenseman to be ready to fill in when someone gets hurt. i really don’t think card or funk are ready for that role yet…unless sekera shows up in preseason…hes someone i was actually real excited to pick up at the deadline :tspry:

so i didnt see any of the post game interviews, but did lindy ever explain why kalinen was being played in the games for the astronomical 2 or 4 minutes total? that’s horrible coaching. like sean said, why dress the guy if he’s just gonna sit the bench the whole game… it’s not like it was a one time thing, ruff has done that the past 4-5 games. i think that kills your defense, to have 4 guys busting ass and then 2 who play 4 and 8 mins respectively.

i didnt even think spacek was playing that BAD, but he obviously is overpaid. first half of the season he seemed OK… second half, just disappeared.

i dont get why max wasnt being put on the first PP unit. he was our best player on the ice for the last 3-4 games, but he’d be stuck on the 2nd PP unit and only catch 30 seconds of man advantage time… not even enough for us to setup one time.

kotalik is overpaid. see ya. hello stafford. see ya kalinen and spacek. hello paetsch. keep zubrus. off season should be interesting.

The only question is does Drury want to stay. They were some rumors he was not at all happy with how the team was playing post season, and things were said in the locker room. He’s a 100% player, every game, and 110% in the post season. He’s going to want to be somewhere with people who play like him. I really hope we keep him.

we’re certainly going to find out in the next few weeks

the real consensus seems to be that drury is staying briere is not…


we’re certainly going to find out in the next few weeks

the real consensus seems to be that drury is staying briere is not…


Breiere lacks integrity, hes an amazing player but i would rather not have a diver on the team. He hasn’t sat right with me since his arbitration last season either. Something didn’t seem right about his deal. I don’t think he would have ever taken a multi year deal…


Well I just found out we lost… Its really sad/impressive that either the Alfredson heatly spezza line is INCREDIBLE, or no team was able to stop them…

Spezza - 20pts
Heatly - 21pts
Alfredsson - 17 pts - 10 goals

If they played an 82 game season with that intensity

Heatley - 114pts
Spezza - 109pts
Alfredsson - 92pts - 54 goals.
Total 315pts :bloated: :bloated:
All i can say is WOW, and I can definitely see that line pulling that off next year


that line is disguting. when they were playing pittsburgh ide get worried everytime i saw their numbers.