OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

If you really want to be “first to know” CBC is about 3 seconds faster than MSG in their broadcast.

The CBC broadcast is also clearer and has better sound. Unfortunately, they do not have the best broadcaster in sports!

oh, and its 1-0 Buffalo.

woooooooooooooooow miller what a save!

fuckers scored

shit 1-1

and what was up with the girlie man fight peters just got into :uhh:

weak sos

only hits that were really lais what about 2 from peters at the very very end

That was a cute dance Peters and Belak did. I certainly wouldn’t call it a fight.

And someone stick a sock in Robi’s mouth. The way he was blathering on tonight before the game I think he wants to have Tucker’s baby.

Wow that penalty to Roy was total BS

HAHA…Tucker got pwned and then pucked in the face.

No more Maxim in the game, that sucks

Wow, they arent playing too well…again…


LETS GO SABRES…Repeat of the Boston comeback

yeah they’re not playing well tonight at all. we need some goals =/

I just hope we start Biron tommorow. Miller’s been horrible the last few games giving up 4 goals a game in the last 3. I have no idea how he got player of the month for October, its not like we won many games because of him.

They are out playing us like crazy, i dont know what the deal is. I dont think its millers fault i think its our lack of defense, he cant help it. He does what he can and saves us a lot

we should change our names from buffalo sabres to the buffalo give-aways. wow…not good.
I am hoping for a boston repeat, but TO is a much better team than boston, and they seem to be getting better as the game goes on.

Ugh, this is 2 games in a row that they have played like crap.

-No forecheck
-No clearing the puck in our own end
-Sloppy passing turning into awful giveaways

And this time we don’t have Max to play the hero. I really hope he’s not out long.

here come all the bandwagon jumpers about to leave ship if we lose :rofl: the goals that have been scored tonite are NOT millers fault… we’re getting outworked in our own end, plain and simple. it doesn’t matter who’s in net all of those goals are going to go in 9 times out of 10

max look like he went head first into the boards…hope its not serious.
i still cant believe, with all the bodies flying, we only had 1 stinkin powerplay all night!

Yeah, I wasn’t even going to touch the Miller comment, just not worth a real fan’s time. Part of me is ready for our first big loss to get some of these people off the bandwagon. I really don’t want to to be against Toronto though.