OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


Weve gotta lose sooner or later :gotme:

But I definitely wont count this team out with 20 minutes to go.

Toronto is playing well though.

I am drunk as hell too so that makes this game great still :tup: :gotme:

Nah Im just saying I think It’s time to give Biron a few games since Im sure he’s eager to play and Miller just doesnt look on top of his game the last few games. Yes the defense looks like shit today and the goals were nice and most of them Miller couldnt do much about and not his fault, but I just think Biron’s due to start a few games.

Make that 3 games in a row and you’re right on.

J Espo1 is gonna have a field day in about 5 more minutes.

i wouldnt be against a biron start, i give him more credit than alot of others seem to…but i dont think miller is playing tired today, not nearly as tired as he looked against atl. he has had some amazing saves tonight.

one thing i always thought he could stand to do more of is stick check. tonight 2 of the 4 goals so far could have been prevented by a standard poke check…but miller > me and who am i to tell the man how to do his job

we arent out of it yet but we need to skate harder if we want to force OT

Miller is the guy. Biron doesn’t need more games, the defense needs less AHL level play.

I know we roll 4, but the Gaustad line doesn’t need to be on with 2 min to go.

exactly… so do you want biron to start every 4th playoff game too? miller is the #1 he’s gonna get most of the starts. biron knows this too.

Gratz to the leafs…and thank you…

we need this wakeup call…

this is the 3rd straight game that they have played just as poorly as tonight, only this time no big come back and no keeping it close. Hopefully they will realize what needs to be done and not play the first/last 10 minutes of the game

I seriously hope max is not seriously hurt, that is not helping anything.

I’ll say it again. The sabres needed this. Hopefully tomorrow night they play 60 minutes, not 10. They really took control those last 10 minutes again. This time it was too little, too late.

Props to Toronto, obviously they wanted it a whole lot more.


are you a complete moron? seriously… what the hell are you talking about?

stop watching hockey please

miller has been working his ass off, but it’s hard to stop every shot when your defense isn’t doing much at all

Lindy in his post game:

“Max has an upper body injury, he is going to be out for a while”.

I don’t like the sound of that at all. :tdown:


our play in the defensive zone has been bad the past few games…since…tallinder went out. Ugg, we’ll bounce back.

yea that fucking blows about maxi. he’s the reason we got it together against boston if you ask me

miller has still been playing great. naysayers are nuts. the goals were good goals.

This is what fucking pisses me off about hockey. when the d is shitty, people don’t blame the defense. they blame goaltending. that’s bs. d is supposed to play a certain way, so the goalie can play the puck,a nd the man, a certain way. when d doesnt come through, the goalie is stranded, and Miller has saved our ass many times against defensive fuckings

it pisses me off when idiots blame the goalie. so much.

toronto- fuck yeah!
im gonna enjoy this one cause it may not happen again. See you guys soon.

The Leafs played really well, everything went their way…nothing we can really do except step it up next time and not make so many bad decisions in our end. tup to the leafs


To be honest, Toronto has some kick ass fans. period.

but i couldn’t stand it when they started chanting miller. That was stupid and they probalby knew it.

I still can’t believe how frequent injuries are

oh yea… and tim connolly is still on the sabres… WTF…

Yeah when Spacek went down and out after taking his own hit…My thought was definitly uh oh there goes Marty…but the news on Max is not good. Could be a neck injury, after the hit he took he went into the boards hitting the back of his head/neck/shoulders pretty hard. blah

As far as the Leafs fans chanting, that seems to be a ‘fan from canada’ thing. They do it at the Ottawa and Montreal games as well…so lame, but then again they are canadian for a reason.

:wave: :eekdance: :smiley: