OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

sit down carolina u thundercunts

the goose hasnt scored all year and now he has 3 in row!!!

6-3 hollr

Still 5 mins left, its possible, we’ve done it lol

well, it’s 6-4 now with a little over 2 minutes. anything can happen.

(but it won’t :stuck_out_tongue: )

Carolina to go on the PP :frowning:

uh oh 6 on 4. come on empty netter from vanek

sweet, 6 on 5


What a game, damn!! Im so pumped for the next game


Disappointing really, i predicted 28-0, hopefully we pull it together next game :tup:

It shouldve been 7-2 but the refs suck at life…

hahaha, I’m kinda glad I don’t have cable. I have been studying for an accounting test all night and the Yahoo 30 second updates were distracting enough.

Drury epitomized the mentality team with that last play. Here’s a guy who is struggling right now to find the back of the net, got robbed on at least three huge scoring chances, and gets a 2 on 1 with an empty net. What does he do? He see’s Hecht has a better chance to put it away and makes the pass instead of trying for the empty net himself. :tup:

Nice call!!

Thats a nice little feel good story.

I think Teppo kicked ass tonight. +6, 2 assists, great on D. For some reason he wasnt credited for a 3rd assist on the empty net tho.

told ya!

amazing game once again!!! got a little scary in the second but we pulled through strong. can’t wait for wednesday :smiley:


Damn they got a busy upcoming schedule, 7 games in the next 13 days. I hope they stay healthy and well rested. Hopefully we get a few injured guys back soon.

so happyyyyyyyy

i’m gonna go out and cause a ruckus in DT tampa… and get all the stupid lightning fans ready for dec 5… BOIIIIIIII