OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

He had plenty of time to stop that hit. briere softly dumped it in, stopped and turned before he was hit. Ovechkin can turn on a dime…no excuse

If you take a run at someone from behind you’re going to get a boarding penalty cause its illegal

  1. Ovechkin didn’t need to “put on the brakes”. Briere dumped the puck at the redline and got hit at the blueline. Did you even see the play?

  2. Hitting from behind has nothing to do with it. Hitting a player without the puck is a penalty and so is boarding. So you’re a bit unfamiliar with the rules if you think nothing was done wrong on the play.

  3. There is absolutely no place in the game whatsoever for a play like this. It’s the equivalent of a suckerpunch, only worse, because Briere could have broken his neck hitting the boards in that manner.

  4. $100? What the fuck is that? Has the fine not been adjusted since the original 6?

You wouldn’t call hitting a player from behind who is CLEARLY headed to the bench and is no where near the puck a cheap shot?

What is your definition of a cheap shot?

Dude…his back is turned from the moment he dumps the puck (at center ice) to where he takes the cheap shot (on the blue line). It wasn’t a split second thing by ANY means.

1,000 dollar fine… no suspension

Im pretty sure you have an extra 0 on there.

yo FUCK UR TEAM SKUNK, we play u guys tonite

Great article about the hit, and I’d have to agree with them.

def a good article

LOL@ ur team!! He is instantly the enemy cause of where he lives!!

Wahooooooooo just got in tampa GO SABRES!!!

Agree with that article. He’s not a dirty player, but that was definitely a dirty hit.

Hitting a player after that player gets rid of the puck is called finishing off a check. And it is not the equivalent to a sucker punch at all. Do you really think ovechkin had any idea briere was gonna go into the boards like that? You can even see it on his face when he turned around and saw what happened. He looked up like he was saying “ahhhh fuck”. It was a dumb mistake from a young player. All of you who are saying it was “malicious” or a “Cheap shot” are just being stupid.

Dumb mistake that could have had way worse results? Yes.
Malicious? Get the fuck out of here
Dirty? I’d say so.

hahahah i know

well it was far enough away to consider it boarding… at the least… which i feel most boarding penalties should be majors… but yes it was a dumb mistake… he probably acted on impulse and there is no doubt in my mind, that he wishes he could take it back…

still in love with guastad for sticking up for briere with out even thinking twice about it… really makes a statement

Thanks for clearing that up.

The problem here is that Briere had been rid of the puck far too long for it to still be called finishing the check. Thus, making it a cheap shot.

Ovechkin was just trying to finish his check, but like you said was a little too late. When I watch the play, when ovechkin was skating towards briere, briere was still skating forward, and was next to ovechkin, not having his back turned toward him. When ovechkin commited himself to hitting briere, thats when briere turned his back to get off the ice.

IMO ovechkin had the right idea, was just a second or two, too late.

oh no he finished the check… that was ok… the location of the check was the question…

when i first saw it i thought he put him right in to the glass where it meets the bench … my first reaction was “THATS FUCKING BULLSHIT”

so all the writers and people are wrong and you are right about it not being a dirty hit?

sorry, ur wrong here

dirty hit all the way, no matter how you try to explain it

7 or 7:30 game?