OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

did you find the hit on the net? I haven’t seen it yet you gotta search for it, its a sportscenter clip but espn doesnt have it on there site i dont know why.

found it, thanks man.

that is crazy… i lost all respect for that guy

Yeah definitly not Miller’s fault in the least…You can pretty much blame 3 goals on Paestch (sp?) Fell down on one goal, missed a pass at the point on another and over pursued/missed a puck in the neutral zone on the third…he was having a very rough night

I don’t know why they ejected 2 of our players for that though, that shit was lame.

just got back from D.C. Even though we lost that game was awesome. We outcheared Caps fans all game and even on the streets after the game.

How did the lets go buffalo chants sound on TV?

Worst thing about the Ovetchkin hit was they gave that fucker the 2nd star in the game.

uggh he is gonna het his head handed to him.

That def was a cheepshot by Ovechkin…

I saw Poose22 on TV :lol:

The front page of says Ovechkin MIGHT get a fine but thats it…

I can’t believe what people are saying about this hit. It was def. a cheap shot because briere had his back turned to the play, and wasn’t expecting the hit at all. Yes, ovechkin was just trying to finish his check, but waited a moment too long because if you watch it, briere turned his back right when ovechkin went to hit him.

So was it totally malicious, no, is it worth a suspension yes. I’m just glad briere seems to be ok…

it looks much much worse when it first happened… i’m glad to see guys like Guastad are willing to defend our guys. I still wish peters was out there for that one


being at the game was sweet, except for the whole losing part.

It wasn’t malicious at all. The hit was not hard, just very, very stupid. I wouldn’t even call it a cheap shot.


“He got turned around and I hit him,” Ovechkin said, adding that he didn’t think the infraction warrants a suspension. “I didn’t want to give him some injury. It was an accident.”

Yeah, an Accident…

Whats worse is the people who are defending Ovechkin and saying the Briere dove and that hes just another crybaby sabre.

Rules of hockey…dont hit in the back…thats a given
Also if someone shoots the puck in and turns to the bench you dont hit him

It was lame he should be fined and suspended. If this happend to him there would be world war three on whoever did it. If briere was injured he would get a larger fine…thats foolish. The penalty should be the same.

He didnt get turned around he was skating to the bench!!!111!!111 That stupid fuck! I can’t wait till the 26th

BTW i heard on the radio that the fine was $100

Sucks that we lost… on a side note I couldnt believe how many Sabres fans were down here for the game. Felt like a home game almost.

ovechkin was already commited to the hit when briere turned. Its not easy to put the brakes on in that situation

also, i dont think that pro hockey has any rules about hitting from behind. ive never seen it called, and it happens all the time.

i dont think he should be suspended, but i can see why u would think he should