OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread


This isnt looking too good so far…

sweet f’n goal!! 3-1

u sure? lol

Haha, i take it back…first minute wasnt too good

ok…me. brian(twizted) and thom (66imaplass) are at the game along with a lot more people…all I can say is OMG… I CAN’T BELIEVE HOW MANY SABRES FANS ARE HERE… at least half the crowd are sabres fans. it gets so loud in here…“lets go buffalo” chants…soooo damn loud. It really feels like I’m at hsbc. and I think the lightning fans in front of us are getting pissed…lol. and I just got popcorn all over my crotch…


update later

Sounds like you’re having fun, Aaron :tup:

i just heard lets go buffalo

aaron i swear i saw you guys on TV. is someone wearing a yellow t-shirt?

“Taken away by Spacek but he can’t get it out- Lightning holding it in…
Gaustad without his stick is swimming… he looked like a beached whale but he got it down the ice… the teammates did in any event and the Sabres make a change.”
-Rick Jeanneret

What the hell does the last line in my post say? Sorry oldie, but you need some glasses.



HATTY FOR BRIERE!!! nice pass

Hellll yeah Briere with the hatty!!

So effing glad I didn’t sell him from my fantasy team.

edit- where the crap do people get squids and what would make one want to “smuggle” one in?

HOW do the sabres have the top-selling jerseys? I remember hearing so many people saying they refused to buy them…

ha, is it because it doesn’t matter how much the logo looks like macaroni and cheese… the sabres are amazing? I liked the fans in other cities comments during this game.

speaking of fans and amazing hockey…raining hats…it’s good to see him come back from almost getting his neck whipped off the other night.


Good game. Great to see them bounce right back.

Anyone catch Briere’s interview on the shootout? Such a stand up player. First career hat trick and he’s still talking about how everyone else on the team played. You couldn’t ask for a better guy to wear that “C”.

Ruff’s no-two-in-a-row rolls on.

Gowd damn BANG!

Who knows the story behind the squid/octopi? I know its usually a Detroit thing, but why? What’s the significance of throwing the slimy appetizer on the ice?