OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

wow two smokin one timers!!!

Bout time we get the puck moving well, turning the momentum up now…lets just sink a few more in to mess up brodeur’s stats a little

ugh versus announcers are fucking terrible.

why are they talking about gel and hairspray instead of calling the game?

wow wtf are we doing right now

The highstick goal looked a little iffy to me, but its okay, they got a few breaks with that last min, gianta’s tip on elias’ shot was pretty good

That one almost got away from them, good win though.

wow… risky, but amazing game…

except for the announcers who decided to talk about the sabres the last period since we were winning…

can someone explain to my y the VS guys are saying that Anaheim is the number one team in the NHL and buffalo is right behind them when anaheim has played more games than we have??

ya dont ask, i was trying to figure out why they made the devils sound like the 1st place team and the sabres like last…

if they stopped talking about everyones family and where everyone was born maybe they would get there stats straight

meh, buffalo has to win the next three games to be tied with anaheim for pts in 32 games…right now Anaheim has already done it…i’d give it to them

Can you explain to me why it even matters?

“Wahh Wahh the Sabres aren’t #1 in power rankings every week. Wahh wahh people aren’t talking about how amazing the sabres are every 8 seconds”.

Do you know who that is? It’s all of you babies who can’t just watch good freaking hockey and shutup about how everyone needs to be jerking off all the time about how awesome they are.


Anyway, the first period and a half were semi frustrating. It seemed like Buffalo was having a hard time keeping the puck, plus the Devils were doing a good job grinding down low in the Sabres zone.

-TGFBriere. Keeps losing money in SN fantasy hockey, but this is exactly why I won’t sell him.

-I thought Hecht was the best player on the ice for the montreal game, and again he has a huge performance. He’s been so good at protecting the puck lately.

-Miller. Got lucky with a couple of pucks hitting the posts, but still so freaking solid. He really puts his tall lanky body in the perfect spots.

All in all, hell yes at the sabs finally beating NJ in their own arena. About friggen time.

It’s not that they didn’t talk about the sabres, it’s that they never took nj’s balls out of their mouth to even announce what was going on with the game. I don’t give a fuck if a players father is watching the game nor do I care about some retired players hair styling. When I watch a game I want an announcer to tell me what is going on, not give me random useless facts that no one cares about.

yeah Versus sucks at paying attention to the game…

Example: And heres Briere with the shot…he has two kids at home and one likes McDonalds! Boy, I could go for McDonalds right now! I love how unhealthy it is and its sooooo cheep…OH AND THERES A GOAL! but yeah seriously McDonalds rocks…

thers not another VS game until 2/20/07, then 3 more after that, 3/13, 4/3 and ,4/8

+1 for VS sucks.

The worst was when the spent the entire 2 minutes of our power play talking about some asshole’s hair, and how wearing a helmet might mess it up. I swore for a minute Dish Network mixed the audio from The View in with the video of my hockey game.

shut up u tool bag i was just wondering because it makes no sense to say a team is better than the other when they have played more games :smash2:

no…anaheim is fucking HOT right now FUCKING SMOKING…

the sabres aren’t the sabres shouldn’t be at number 2 right now… anyway… more like a 3 or 4 dallas and san jose given the chance right now would probably beat the sabres.

the power rankings are also… not by points they are how they are doing… at the current moment… and anaheim is doing much better…

yea i know anaheim is on fire right now but it just didnt make sense

well regardless buffalo has to win the next three fames to tie anaheim in points… and they way they are playing right now thats gonna be pretty fucking hard

and it makes perfect sense… you just have to pull your head out of your ass and think differently… amount of wins and points doesn’t matter… when one team has a redic conference like anaheim and a record better or equal to that of buffalos they deserve much much much more credit and can be assumed to be a much better team. (holy runon batman)