OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

just like you make no sense trying to say one is better than the other…who cares, its not even the all star break yet, theres still a ton of time left in this season


Wait until the end of the season/playoffs, then you can officially say what team is better than the other, instead of just speculating.

Also, give credit where credit is due, anaheim has a very good team, and IMO right now is better than buffalo. So I don’t see a problem with them being ranked ahead of buffalo.

Wtf does this have to with what I said?

ok lets get one thing straight i am not arguing about what team is better here, anaheim is playing a lot better than buffalo i am not disputing that. what i am disputing is how they say anaheim is the number one team in the NHL because they have more points than buffalo when thats only true cause they have played more games geez. get off your high horse with your “oh i cant wait for the people to get off the band wagon” just cause people dont post in a thread.

Well, technically they do have the most points so that would make them #1 in the NHL, and they are playing better than buffalo right now.

I know what your saying though, the VS announcers are too dumb to look at other than the points lol. So, I guess just agree that the VS announcers suck? :wink:

  1. And you’re just assuming buffalo will win those 3 games, right? Anaheim has earned every single point they have and they are 6 points ahead of the sabres because they ARE that good.

  2. You just admitted that anaheim is playing “a lot better than buffalo”, yet you are still bothered that the VS announcers said they are the number one team.

  3. lol

note on #1 - its 4 games :slight_smile:

Haha, holy shit. So that is 4 games that Buffalo has to win to just TIE anaheim. Not to mention, 4 more games played and only has 81 goals against compared to the Sabres 89. But yeah, it really bothers me when people claim that Anaheim is the best team in the league. Fucking dicks!

Thats a nice side boob!

Tight game so far :ohnoes:

Why does peters have to be such an idiot…

Yeah, 9 times out of 10 he looks like an idiot when he gets near the puck, and the bullshit of getting an unsportsmanlike penalty after some guy gives him a good LEGAL check and doesn’t want to fight… ugh. Hopefully Lindy scratches him next game. Goose has proven he’s more than willing to go after anyone when an enforcer is needed, and watching Peter’s fights (more like retarded dancing) hasn’t shown me any reason to keep him there for that position.

check out the Sabres article in the newest Sporting News. I had to read it in sections in order to reduce the sobbing. Finally Buffalo gets some love

i was at the game tonight and the fans werent that loud… i was yellin my ass off to try getting people to chant…

good game though… pretty equal the whole game., just wish buffalo could get the power play going a little bit more

My buddy invited me to the tickets. com box. It was a good time.

even though our power play was still struggling looking at the stat sheet…the movement this game was much better. they are splitting the defense, following their pass, generaly moving the puck really well. thats really my only complaint from last nights game, and i really think it could have been a much higher scoring game but thats just how the puck tumbles. can we please get tallinder back and give soupy a rest.

pacific division is SO STRONG. anyone who complains we are being wrongly compared to anyone from that division is a retard. JUST being compared is a compliment.

lol just looked at the player profile of the week. peters is the feature. just realized i used to play against him. he went to ridley college and that was one of the schools we played. pretty sure i remember who he was. pretty sure he had concrete hands back then too. lol goon. (disclaimer: i am in no way saying i am better at hockey than peters. i realize he is in the NHL and i sit on my fat ass watching him play from various locals that usually have beer on tap and trendy names for what are essentially chicken parts deep fried and dipped in bbq sauce)

Sweet, I’ve been hangin out in the suites often these days.

edit: sorry, tickets got sold fast!

haha buffalo has been getting love from the media all year so far

sabres win 4 - 1 tonight :slight_smile:

and of course the lone goal for montreal is by Souray