OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread

damn it… i didn’t know that both the goalies were injured that sucks… i was hoping the Ducks were human and could lose… but looks like the only way they will lose is with the goalies out… man i’m gonna really fear them in the cup finals :frowning:


yeah, except in Buffalo we’re used to losing and we come back and fill the stands and cheer the next year, so don’t count on it…or the leafs even making the playoffs.

hell yea well put stealth sabres > leafs

why? anaheim is in the west, if anything it hurts us because carolina gained points on us in the east

i think the sabres are at a point right now… where we want the top spot or nothing…

well they should worry about being first in the east first, we don’t have such a huge lead anymore. the records of western conference teams to them is irrelevant until if/when they face the best west team in the finals!

leaving now… gonna be an awesome game


I’m SO glad that the ref didn’t lose sight of the puck in front of Miller. Who knows what would have happened had he lost sight of it and blew the whistle.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand here comes the start of the 2nd period.



How did Rob Ray not burst out laughing when Spacek started talking.

“Kiss me, or I’ll Crush you”
-Bart Simpson

And wow, that was an amazing save by lehtonen to keep it 2-0.

This game should really be 4-4 or 4-3 atlanta.

Both goals have just been beautiful tonight. I really might have lost my mind if Roy had successfully gone between the legs.

That was uber close. Almost went in through the 5 hole.

oh i know that was awsome, sooooo fuckin close- the last min of the 2nd was awsome pressure

Nice tip!!! Vanek says goodnight.

Accidental empty netters FTW!

yea those last 2 goals did help, they gotta def work on the shit passing and give aways- IMO miller chances it comming out of the net so much to play the puck (ends up giving it away in the corner) Decent game, we’ll def take the win

back… good game, another one in the W column :tup:

4-1 does not do justice to the actual game

yet again, miller saves our ass

but a wins a win, and now lindy is the coach of the eastern team, so go lindy go :tup: