~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~

how can brierre get his helmet ripped off with a stick AFTER the whistle yet dumont gets a called for a BS hook!?!?!?!?!?! i was actually thinking earlier the calls have been fairly decent so far, well that’s completely out the window now!

4 to 3 Sabres

That was so close

whats up with these refs?! Ive seen Interference, hooking, tripping, and thats only in the last 5 minutes of play! WTF?!


uhh are we winning or losing?? or won or lost?

right now it’s 4-2, Canes. 1:53 left

4-3 final. there will be 5 games, at least

Those regs were ridiculous, our game was way off, we played like crap but we still hung in somewhat. Hopefully we take care of them for our home games.

Referees sucked DICK. Way to call 1/4 calls. And way to go sabres. I bet you expect to win all your games when you show up and play for 23 minutes. If they played like they did in the 3rd period, and the refs could pull their heads out of each others asses we would’ve won. Also weak ass 4th goal Miller. He’s a great goalie, but #1 and #4 were WEAKSAUCE. Look to games 3 and 4 for the Sabres to show up and play the whole game, rather than 1 period…and maybe we’ll make it to the finals…

I want everyone to know that the loss is Itagakis fault…he did not have the home made teppo jersey on the sacred couch until the 3rd period and the mojo was strong but not enough.

#1 was not a weak goal.

Carolina out played us and deserved to win that game, not because we played bad, but because they were perfect most of the game

Whoever said sweep…I told you so. Gonna be a great series. I thought sabres in 6…we’ll see


my assumption was we were going to take the first 3 lose 4, and then take them out in 5.

after tonite, looks like its going to be a great series but I think we can pull it off.

that. was. stupid.
huge call missed, but what do I know.

alright fellas, take a step back. lost by one. take the split, back to buffalo. you fuckers that actually got tickets for $28363493 better rep tha 716 like your life depends on it. :headbang:

all in all, we played a pretty shitty game, IMO. floor check seemed absent when we needed it. outrushed to the puck. miller played a decent game - but - two big ones got by him.

I tried to sync wgr to my adelphia silver but I was at least 1.5 secs. back… anybody else get that?

WEAK goals lose games at this stage.
Miller has saved the Sabres many times but tonight he lost the game.
It didn’t help that the Sabres sucked almost as bad as the officiating.

What made it even worse was the fact that it happened right at the puck not off in the back round where it could be missed!!!

I pray that timmy is ready by game 3. offense needs that spark like whoa.

:blah: you told me nothing, go suck off hasek some more :stuck_out_tongue:

refs took the wind out of our sails, we didnt play hockey until 8 minutes left in the 3rd period. NOT SAYING carolina didnt play well, b/c obviously they did. shit happens, but it WON’T happen in buffalo where there aren’t any POTHOLES in the fucking ice.

sabres in 5, im still not convinced carolina is better than us

fuck that, we need team teppo like what

i will tell you the honest reason buffalo lost the game (and im sure countless others will tomorrow as well)

Doug Janik: Time on Ice - 4:16

sabres showed zero faith in janiks ability and everyone else was forced to work double time as a result…tired defense = carolina opportunity

what they SHOULD have done was drop pominville to defense to fill the void and bring up jiri novotny to fill pominvilles slot on the 4th line…would have made more sense than wasting janik’s time at the RBC center…

If anyone wants to see them, I put the stats here: http://www.betterwithfetter.com/carolinagametwo.htm

how can brierre get his helmet ripped off with a stick AFTER the whistle yet dumont gets a called for a BS hook!?!?!?!?!?!

Tell me about it… I was going nucking futs when that happened.


Couldn’t put it any better. They were 100% for Carolina on that game.