~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~

word has it teppo did indeed reagrivate it he is gonna skate light today to see how it feels and tomorrow he will be a game time decision but lindey did call for jillson to be ready but it all rests on teppo i dont kno about uu guys but it seemed is presence was appreciated by the team he shows leadership even from the bench.also before some of u guys get ur panties in a bunch lindey has enough faith in toni,jay,brian,doug,and rory to do what they did las night tomorrow night.

fitzpatrick stepped his shit up in the p/o’s, I gotta give him a lot of credit.

I’d like to see teppo dressed and on the bench, his 4 minutes of ice time was appreciated greatly. they don’t need him, but I’d like to see him out there as moral support.


That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard…I dont care if Teppo is really Jesus or Jonny Damon or whoever, I want 6 able bodies playing D in game 7. I dont want 5 guys and one guy who skates for 1min 20 secs. per period/avg. I dont want Fitzpatrick to play 30 min1!!!

Teppo can sit in the room and be ra ra from there…not taking up a bench seat.

Anyone have the clip of Marty on Mic’d up harassing the shit out of Stall? That was hilarious.

HAHA i saw that. That was funny as hell

“The hardest job in the league is to try to tell if a guy’s throwing himself into the glass,” Weight said after the 2-1 loss. "I see him turning, he knows I’m coming, and right when I’m getting there full speed - I got my body committed - he spins the other way. It’s a disappointing call to me in overtime, but it’s worse being in the box when the puck goes in the net and it’s my fault.

“I should know that that kid does that. I don’t even know his first name for God’s sakes.”

From the whiner himself Doug Weight. heres an idea bitch, just admit u got beat and move on, ur starting to sound like all ur redneck fans right there :slight_smile:

not necessarily play - just be there. if he’s not ready or able, then of course he doesn’t play! marty’s been riding pine all series too - think he doesn’t have an effect on miller’s composure?
fitzpatrick has been playing pretty damn well. shit, he even had the game winning assist!
PS it was 25 min., not 30.

doug weight should have an oscar for that stirring performance. bravo good sir!! :tdown:


I AGREE WITH YOU, but i will do it at a normal volume.

PLEASE use less caps next time.

haha Marty kicks ass


They played that during the game it made me lol, just watched it again and its just as funny.

i can use caps if i want to use caps

:tup: Just what I was looking for.



that was fucking hilarious…had to keep replaying it on tivo…lol…

Just a little repost:


more of marty from game 5


listening to the edge this morning and they had a few people saying that Jay McKee not making the flight to NC. I guess he was at Millard Fillmore with an illness…Great, another n00b in the lineup tonight…

Maybe Paetsch???


I am really not liking these rumors I am hearing that Mckee will be out for game 7 :frowning: