~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~

Dont know why everyone thinks we’re going to sweep. I think it’s gonna be 4-2 buffalo…maybe 4-1

yea philly is good. just becuase we killed them during the regular season, the playoffs is a whole new thing

agreed on philly not being slackers

but buffalo is back on fire…i say 4-1 if not 4-0

Im basing my 4-0 prediction on the last few weeks philly has played. They lost by about 3 goals to the toughest teams they played. Their wins over the past few weeks came from easier opponents. I think the sabres have a very huge advantage, their momentum. The last few wins from the sabres have been big victories when they really didnt have to win. It it goes to 5 games ill be a tiny bit surprised, if it goes to 6 games i will be shocked.

I say Sabres in either 5 or 6… I would love a sweep but we will see.

We won the regular season series against them 3 - 1… hopefully that carries over.

^^ and the only loss to them came at the sabres big losing streak at the end of the season. Everyone beat them at that point.

i’ll say 5 only in hopes of me not having to cash in my tickets for game 5 to a different game…

god i wish it was Saturday already :slight_smile:

ohh bitch i just got tickets to this sats game and to this mon nights game :tup:

Same here I can’t wait! ! ! ! UGGHHH anyone else tailgating?

just got tix to game 1 along with game 5 ughhhhhhh


^ what sections and how much? im thinking of doing the same

all i know is 300’s, and each ticket was like 50 bucks…cheapest seats in the house too…


me too, i can’t wait!!

On a side note… hehehehehe… Tornto now has no coach :(… LOL… HAHAHA… sry, I had to. ok back to the regularly scheduled thread.

You’re kidding, right?

Now is the time the place will sell out beyond normal capacity. When I had seasons (the year we went to the Cup), they would bring in additional seating where some handicapped sections were. Their capacity went up by like 200 additional seats or more, and every game sold out. If we make it to round 3 or further, you’ll see the press box getting crazy packed with media, too.

So, where can I see which games are on MSG and which aren’t? Someone said they’ll all be on MSG or NBC, so we needn’t get OLN for playoffs. Can someone confirm this rumor?

“Here is the rest of the schedule and were to see the games.”
How did this person get a job in the media? She can’t spell “where.”

msg carrying this round i believe, NBC for day weekend games.

And Round 2? I guess I’m wondering when I’ll NEED to dish out some more cash to Adelphia.

im not sure about round 2, but www.sabres.com might have some info, i have DTV so OLN is included.

t’s the Buffalo Sabres begin their first playoff run in five years, fans have been wondering what games will be on TV and what network will carry them.

The short answer is all the games will be on TV, but exactly what network remains a case of alphabet soup and probably won’t be determined until late Tuesday night, after all the National Hockey League’s regular season games are completed.

According to Sabres’ spokesman Michael Gilbert, at least for the first round, the vast majority of the games locally will be seen on the Madison Square Garden Network, which carried most of the regular season games this year.

The only wildcard may be this weekend’s game. There is a strong possibility the Sabres’ game may be carried on NBC, especially if they end playing either the New York Rangers or Philadelphia Flyers - two “big market” teams.

NBC is slated to carry NHL playoff games on Saturday and Sunday.

If the Outdoor Life Network, the NHL’s cable outlet, carries any Sabres games, it will be blacked out locally in favor of the contests being carried on MSG, Gilbert said.

In the second round, things get even more vague.

OLN has the rights to “invade” the Buffalo market and carry two Sabres’ games and NBC also has the right to pick up any weekend games.

“MSG will carry the games if OLN or NBC chooses not to,” Gilbert said.

If the Sabres make it to the conference finals or the Stanley Cup games, all of their contests will be shown on either OLN or NBC.

CBC - the Canadian Broadcasting Co. - in Canada will also carry those games and, depending on who the Sabres are playing, may also pick any number of their other post-season contests.

The NHL, along with the U.S. networks, will have their TV broadcasting schedule set before the playoffs start this weekend.

yea pumice, im serious about value games :ham:

durr, everyone knows playoff ticket prices soar, thats why i didnt complain about 50 bucks per 300 ticket, even though i paid like 50 total for 10 games this season, but i support my team no matter what :party:

from what i read, games 1 and 4 are on OLN, game 5 is on NBC, and all of the first round SHOULD be on msg, but after that they weren’t sure…