~*OFFICIAL Buffalo Sabres Thread*~

Selective reading owns you, i never said he was lazy :lol:

He’s no Jagr for sure, but I’m still going to stand by my comment. I’ve seen just about every game this year and Vanek’s “not skating” is something that has bothered me all year. He looks the same way now as he has all season.

Hence the reason they aren’t playing him nearly as much as they used to. He’s lucky to get every other shift right now.


yea i agree and stand by my post as well.

Here’s a good vid to pump you up for tonights game. It gave me some chills


can’t wait to be at the game tonight…its going to be insane once again!

What is the latest on the guy that got his clock cleaned?
Does he know he has a game tonight or is he sitting this one out?

He is questionable and says he just ahs a sore neck. I cant believe that he doesn’t havea a concussion

keep pounding him

GREAT vid. i caught a few chills too when they showed clips of hasek and the last trip to the finals.

game on!


ughhhh I give up. Ill just explain it to you in person because you obviously arent getting what im saying. The next game you go to a game, keep your eye on vanek. He looks differently than he did when he was scoring. Thats the bottom line. If he was still skating the same and working hard, why hasnt he scored in the past million games?

vanek has skated the same as he has now all season. we’re not saying he’s bad or anything, just that he just doesnt have speed. i think you just like him too much or something where u just cant admit it. or maybe u just dont notice it.

3 to 0 already!!!


4-0 aaaahhhhhhhh!!!

4 to 0 ALREADY




Holy crap what a game so far! lol at the Goalie fighting. Then a picture of Miller standing there watching…


this game got outta hand for philly REAL fast :smiley: :smiley:

5-0! LOLOL!!!

flyers getting owned today!


this is amazing!!!