Official ef Jason Peters Thread

What a baby…

He made the contract, he should see it through, cuz u can bet he wouldnt let the bills renegotiate his contract lower if he was sucking…

ORCHARD PARK( - The Bills hit the field for their first “regular season” practice Sunday without holdout left tackle Jason Peters.
ORCHARD PARK ( - The Bills hit the field for their first “regular season” practice Sunday without holdout left tackle Jason Peters.
Peters has held out of both volunatry and mandatory practices the entire off-season in search of a new contract. He has three years left on his current deal and is due to make $3.25-million this season. Last year he earned a trip to the Pro Bowl.
The Bills trimmed the roster to 53 Saturday, and are officially beginning game week preparations without Peters.
Bills Chief Operating Officer Russ Brandon has said there’s been “no contact” with Peters. A source close to the situation who asked not to be identified says Peters hasn’t returned upwards of a dozen phone calls made to him by various members of the organization.
Buffalo opens the season this coming Sunday at home against the Seattle Seahawks.
Repeated phone calls to Peters agent have not been returned.

whata douche.

I can see wanting to re-negotiate. Why not return phone calls though?

Peters is getting bad advice from his agent. He’s only screwing himself here. Even if he does show up tomorrow, what shape will he be in? If he’s not in playing shape, it’s at least a month till he can start. I say that when he does return, the Bills make him sit for the remainder of the season.

the relationship is lost.

fuck em

cant wait to tailgate Sunday!

fuck him, he is poison now. Id hate to see his atitude affect the rest of the team. There doing great sofar and have high hopes. I blame this mainly on the agent since he is natorious for this shit but still, we trimmed all the poison already and this is looking to be more poison. fuck him.

x2 on him bringing a shitty attitude to the team now. It most likely isn’t his fault, but his managers, but still. If he hasn’t had contact with his teammates at all, that’s really fucked up.

This is old news… why do we even need a thread for this shit?

^^ Bills start in less that one week, football talk is football talk in Buffalo and anything about Buffalo football is game.

^So that people can say stuff like this
If I knew for the next 3 years I would probably not make the playoffs, and even if I did I would never have a shot at the superbowl because I was a Buffalo Bill. I’d want more than 3.25 million a year aswell.

you are a moron.

wanting more than mill a year… okay why not
going MIA because ??? … dumb
refusing to play if the offer is not avail and you are under contract… dumb
refusing to play because you dont think youll go to the SB… moron
wanting more money to play on a non SB team… moron

What team will pick him up if he shows this kind of attitude? No-one is gonna pick up someone who doesn’t perform. Last time I checked, sitting out isn’t performing so fuck how well he played, he won’t be the same if he does come back.

He just committed career suicide.

He is stupid because the Bills said they wont talk to him unless he comes to talk to them in person. Also heard something about his health not being to good.

well he had surgery and no one even knows what his current status is. not to mention he needs to serve his contract lol

if the technology ever becomes available for me to reach through the monitor and strangle you I would gladly pay whatever it costs. I honestly think that it is impossible for someone to be as dumb as you are and that one day you are just going to say GOT YA! and we will all have a big laugh and it turns out you make 6 figures and own a home.

Until one of those things occurs…for the love of god…SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU DUMB MOTHERFUCKER.


this situation is ridiculous. peters and his agent are handling this in the worst possible way. i am virtually done with him now.

let him hold out haha what a fag

X3 about the tailgating sunday!

worddddddd x4 about tailgating on sunday. this week is gonna drag cause im looking forward to that.