Official ef Jason Peters Thread

That is what this is for.

Thread merge this shit.

I agree with the he signed it he should play it out theory, but compare it to your life.

You are employee of the year last year and they bring in two new hires which are not as good as you and work beside you. They are getting paid double what you are making and have a lower position and do inferior work.
I am sure everyone one of you would go to work with a smile on your face if that was the case.

the analogy doesnt work, simply because most of us dont sign multi year employment contracts. he agreed to his salary over a given period of time, with a portion of it being guaranteed…

^ he has a contract simple as that his agent is a fucking retard these kind of sitouts are usually done on the last year of a contract in hoping for a trade he is just being a whiney bitch they told him if he wants to talk show up to practice and come see them in person. instead hes gonna not live up to his contract and just not show up or return calls till he gets what he wants like a 5 year old. I hope they keep him for the next 3 years without pay and just let him rot, no ones gonna pay top dollar for someone who hasnt played in 3 years.

He is also fined for every team event he misses… i wonder how much it is up to…

THe easiest logic is, that if he was playing worse then he normally is, he would NOT let the bills renegotiate him down, so why would he expect them to pay him more?

I agree, I am just saying it would suck. He has the option to sit out and not get paid and that is what he is doing.

If he comes back they should put him back on special teams and have him bunker busting again. I would pay to watch that again.

Bills did their part by signing him as an investment of a player (cheap in the early part of his career). Now its time for him to do his part and show up to play.

I do understand his rationale. As a job of an NFL lineman, you already have a short lived career (15 years tops). Injury can make you useless or even end your career at any moment. This is 3 years of his life where im sure he figures he can be making close to 10 million more than what he makes now. 10 million could be 75% of his total NFL earnings if he was to go down in 3 seasons. Its like that speech Marcellious Wallace gives Butch in Pulp Fiction, you cant saty on top forever in this job field, and when you fall, your Well of income gets cut exponentially.

Im sure Peters dint expect the Bills to take it this far but im glad they are.


In response to career talks. The average NFL career is just over 3 years. You need to be in the league for 4 years to be able to qualify for any type of benefits after you retire or are no longer in the league.

He just asked for reinstatement, after half a million in fines for missing the entire training camp and preseason.

They will waive the fines I bet. Just glad to have him back.

He won’t be in for Sunday’s game though :tdown:

Would you want him to be? Imagine how out of shape he is. No way he is game ready.

He may not have been at the practices, but I guarantee someone of his playing caliber isn’t just sitting at home JO’ing and eating cheezits. I guarantee he’s in shape.

Really… this has nothing to do with peters

peters goes to his agent and tells him he wants more money


it is never up to the player, the agent feeds all this bullshit to the player “oh were close, we just are looking for a bit more money… blah blah blah”

player agents are the biggest d-bags ever. whos his agent rosenhaus?

Eugene Parker dumbass

Dont comment if you dont follow the situation.

Sorry i didnt take the time to google his fuckin agents name

i know the tactics of sports agents

im in sports management

i know sports law



Its Faggot…and its really FGGT

And if you bothered to listen to ANY of the commentary about it on local sports radio or read the newspaper in regards to the topic you would know that.

You would also know it is the same agent as rookie WR James Hardy and another big name hold out RB Stephen Jackson in STL.


i know who steven jackson is… you dont have to act like i dont watch football.

the purpose of the agent is to get his client more money because he gets 4-8%.

every single agent in the league has multiple holdouts within his clientel

drew rosenhaus has over 100 players in the nfl that he is in control of, and has over 15 holdouts per year.

The whole point of this holdout is because peters has played decent 2 seasons ago and made the pro bowl last year. i dont know his exact salary but im pretty sure it was near league minimum.

he deserves more money, obviously the way he and his agent went about business werent exactly how people would like or go about doing things.

if you recall, dante culpepper was looking for a new team last season, his AGENT was have a cock battle with many clubs around the league for what he thought dante should get. Dante then decided to fire his agent and seek a contract himself and was signed within a few days.

players really dont have a say in their contracts other than a rough wanted salary and the term length. it is then the agents job there after, and the agent is usually at fault for the dick-ness that is brought upon the images of the players.

that im sure, is the case here.

ALSO, im sure you know that 550, the edge and any other radio station or news paper is HEAVILY biased towards the bills

Must be why Dante retired earlier this week with no team to play for :tup:

Also being biased towards the bills has nothing to do with the fact that his agents name is Eugene Parker :gotme:

eugene parker