Official Fabrication porn thread

Not exactly. if you are faking it sure. if you are building a $4200 intake or a $25,000 baja truck chassis they are not cold washing the first pass to get the “look”, and they are not using pulse.

First pass adding filler.

Second weave adding filler at each extention of the whip.

First pass with filler on the left, 2nd pass weaved with filler added at each whip.

Jerry from Camburg dispelled that myth on RDC becasue people accused him of making “pretty welds” to sell products. When offroad trucks were beat to death, single pass narrow welds would crack and fail, when the woven 2 pass welds with about 200% the filler added in spread the load, gave a larger radius to the weld profile and lessend the stress on the joints.

Now, Marcella uses a double dab per puddle on his first or single pass’s. Adding a ton of filler each step. He also manually pulses the pedal alot; start puddle, crank up the heat dab-dab, back off move forward, floor it, dab-dab, back off move forward. While hes adding alot of material, the single passes dont look over built, definatly not enough to “wash” over them with a weave for looks, without getting undercut or too flat. While I havnt seen him say he isnt doing that… I dont see it physically showing otherwise.