
3rd one was entertaining and a decent movie, loved the Diesel cameo too. I’ll go see a 4th.

2nd one blew and if you disagree with me you have no taste.


we may all have no taste then your an idiot

like chino says below… 3rd one was worst movie ever mAde


My favorite part of ignorance was when he smashes the window on the 360 spider and Brian is like “idiot” and just opens the door.


i don’t remember that at all wtf craptastic flick was that in?

In the previous films the cars were fast. It’s not until the fourth that we see the fury of these vehicles.

That’s precious.


i don’t remember that at all wtf craptastic flick was that in?


The 2nd one in the boatyard

Where O’Connor…is like cars…cars…give me the cars…

admittedly i really didn’t pay very much attention to the 2nd one as soon as the 3g eclipse spyder came out, my brain shut off.

i still ahvent seen tokyo doriftoooo

Oh man Jordana Brewster :hitit:



3rd one was worst movie ever mAde


Have you seen Redline? Check it out before you make such accusations.


Oh man Jordana Brewster :hitit:



Im embarrased to admit that I paid to see Redline. :snky:

so did we… it was a fun time though - not because of the movie being good though

it sounds similar to the second one, maybe they knew that the second one sucked so bad that they should re-do it to be not so sucky???

wasnt that dude killed by the guys he fuct out of the car?

i think thats the puerto rican chick that was toretto’s bitch


wtf was that dudes name then?

Jesse was his name

he can’t detail cars with the car cover on

im going to have to watch that movie tonight now

stupid, why the hell are “street racers” trying to catch drug dealers. 3rd movie was the best this one sounds as dumb as the first and second one were


3rd one was entertaining and a decent movie, loved the Diesel cameo too. I’ll go see a 4th.

2nd one blew and if you disagree with me you have no taste.


The 2nd was fantastic because of the boner eva mendez gives you duhhh:D

nathalie kelley > jordana brewster
