Official Lost thread *possible spoilers*

Found a crazy hand in the picture…

And Sayid was on TV!!!

I downloaded all of the first season, and watched the whole thing in the last 2 weeks… ZOMG! Awesome show! I should be ready to watch next weeks episode, just starting to watch season 2 now.

Yeah doing a crash course is great. But now you get to watch one more episode until they break till January. :frowning:

Yeah doing a crash course is great. But now you get to watch one more episode until they break till January. :([/quote]

Bah I know… actually that final episode of Season 1 blew my mind, can’t believe you guys had to wait a few months on that cliffhanger…

Yeah doing a crash course is great. But now you get to watch one more episode until they break till January. :([/quote]

Bah I know… actually that final episode of Season 1 blew my mind, can’t believe you guys had to wait a few months on that cliffhanger…[/quote]

I contemplated suicide.

But then i got the DVDs and watched every episode over and over again. Looking for weird stuff like whats been posted above. Crazy monsters and signs.

HONOLULU - Michelle Rodriguez and Cynthia Watros, who star on ABC’s “Lost,” were arrested within 15 minutes of each other in Kailua for allegedly driving under the influence of an intoxicant.Both failed field sobriety tests and were released Thursday on $500 bail each, police said. The actresses, who were in separate cars, were arrested after their vehicles were spotted weaving on Pali Highway, which connects Kailua and Honolulu, police said.
Watros, who portrays Libby on “Lost,” was arrested at 12:05 a.m. Rodriguez, who plays Ana Lucia, was arrested at 12:20 a.m., according to police records. Rodriguez was booked under the name Mayte Michelle Rodriguez.
Calls placed by The Associated Press after business hours seeking comment from “Lost” spokesman Jeff Fordis weren’t immediately returned.
Rodriguez, 27, and Watros, 37, were to appear at a driver’s license revocation hearing at Kaneohe District Court on Dec. 29, police records showed.
Motorists arrested for operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant automatically have their driver’s licenses revoked. They are given a temporary license that allows them to drive, but under several restrictions.

Just watched this episode last night, and I finally know what you’re talking about… any idea where that symbol is from? Popped up anywhere else in the show?

Just watched this episode last night, and I finally know what you’re talking about… any idea where that symbol is from? Popped up anywhere else in the show?[/quote]
Well you on season 2 yet? Because its the logo for the Dharma project.

And i think it’s only in the hatch and stuff.

Just watched this episode last night, and I finally know what you’re talking about… any idea where that symbol is from? Popped up anywhere else in the show?[/quote]
Well you on season 2 yet? Because its the logo for the Dharma project.

And i think it’s only in the hatch and stuff.[/quote]

I’ve only seen episode 2 of season 2, so I don’t know much yet.

So it looks like this weeks episode is a rerun? Guess that means no new shows until January…

6 week break


New show this week, then off for 4-6 weeks.

Says its a rerun of “Everybody Hates Hugo” this wednesday…

Says its a rerun of “Everybody Hates Hugo” this wednesday…[/quote]

WTF, they supposedly showed previews for the next episode which shows Jack and Ana Lucia playing tonsil hockey.


Oh well, the next episode better show more of Walkt and Michael.

Now i can watch all of season 2 again while i wait.

Premiere Wednesday night baby! Woot! Also 24 season premiere on Sunday, 4 hours long… :shock:

I’m still working on season 2 of 24.

And any word about this 2 hr business of Lost?

The first hour is a full recap of everything that has happened so far, afaik.

Yeah thought so.

You have any of 24 on DVD?

Nope, but I have seen every single episode. How much are the 24 dvd sets now?

Wouldnt know, i wouldnt buy them. I just need to catch up.