*****Official: Mighty Meet Thread*****

appearently biged pulled a dbag move and did a big burnout in the middle of the mighty parking lot, i dont really know anything else.

I remember him leaving the parking lot last night, and he drove out casually.

I’m gonna stop by a little later… anyone else goin?

if nobody is goin to S gate i will stop out for the BBQ collections LMK

im stopping up

too bad you couldn’t leave!!! ziiinnnnnnggggggg

what happened? I won’t be up for a while. My turbo died tonight. Such F**king luck.

Ill be up tonight for a bit around 12:45

I should be able to stop up tonight, and I will have the car tomorrow.

yo if they dont have your shit done by 2morrow im goin over there and kicking every one of their tech’s in the ballbag…justin what time are u planning on going up? anyone else?

if its not raining

fuck that nukka im gon bring me a poncho!

30% chance o’ rain…i like the odds…we’ll see tho

BBQ collection tonight.

Too wet.

OT:its never too wet

i meant for us AWD guys~!

Hey now, RWD + Rain = Siqqqq Drifting Skillz

i dont know what awd + rain is :lol:

AWD + Rain = just another normal day of driving lol
