Official: NHL Playoff Thread

looks around where did you leave the crackpipe?

4-2 pens.

Yeah thats not happening.
This game should probably look how the last Philly game looked.
Except Pens on the receiving end.

5-2 will NOT happen. garuntee it. itll be a one goal game, 2 only if there is an empty net.

Exactly. Detroit is fighting to end it tonight and the pens fighting to force a game 7. It will be decided by one goal, unless one team dramatically collapses which I don’t see happening.

Go Pens go!

Fluery suck at covering the 5 hole

Wings finally got a cup.
took them long enough

:lol: at fluery sitting on the puck and it shooting out of his ass into the net.

Yeah, 4 cups in 11 years, man they suck.


Now you’re even a moron in the hockey thread.


I never said they sucked.
Wow you over react to everything.
If you payed attention to anything but my belt buckle, you’d see I hate the pens and Was going for the wings over them once my flyers were out.
You’d also see how I said they’d win it in 4-5 games, hence why I said finally and about time.

I pray your in your twentys, because if your touching 30 you got some mid life crisis issues.

Oh and :fail: way to not think before you speak.


Face it, everyone here hates you. If you want to talk about life issues, take a look in the mirror at the guy sticking around a forum where he has no friends. :wink:

Anyway, back on topic. I called Wings in six before this series started. Looking pretty good right now. :slight_smile:

I feel bad for Fleury on the 3rd goal after being the hero last night.

You’re just realizing now that just karter is a complete moron?

sit down shut up and have a coke and smile, you jumped the gun and it backfired.

LOL@ you editing every post.
I post here to post and it pisses people off so I get enjoyment, I honestly don’t want to be friends with 90% of the forum because they fail at existing.
Funnier shit is, all the people I’ve met from the forum , I’ve never had a problem with, and they all have the same shit to say about this forum.

Polish my belt buckle while your down there, and please get a chin implant, my balls bouncing on it this long have caused severe errosion.

I’m done shitting up the playoff thread wasting time with you, since you obviously stick around here just to shit up threads.

And this game just got interesting.

Pulled goalie chaos coming up.

I made this thread, so that obviously wasnt the intention.
you should edit that to say you follow me around just to pet my balls.

anyways 3-2, do the pens leave the goalie out and go for the tie, and end up winning in OT all over again?

Detroit needs to comeback with a goal in a hurry.


Holy fuck that was close.

Glad this didn’t go to 1am.

So close that I even want to tear up. Man, they’re so bummed. Good game though.

SABRES '09! hah.

:lol: @ the Bettman boos.

Really wish Detroit would have won last night. Kinda ruins the cup presentation when it’s not at home.

Any bets on Pens not making the playoffs next year?