Official: NHL Playoff Thread

There is still a minimum of 2 games to get “even”.

i hope they do, Im soo sick of Avery thinking hes a sick hockey player. He needs to get demolished.

Eh, the goal is to win the series. NJ is stupid if they start gunning for him at this point. It’s exactly what he wants.

oh gerber…you blow

skunkape123: gerber sucks
skunkape123: EW



skunkape123: LOL @ ur post
skunkape123: quoting me
skunkape123: ILISM



gerber still sucks

pens up 3-0 :slight_smile:

“An unsportsmanlike conduct minor penalty will be interpreted and applied, effective immediately, to a situation when an offensive player positions himself facing the opposition goaltender and engages in actions such as waving his arms or stick in front of the goaltender’s face, for the purpose of improperly interfering with and/or distracting the goaltender as opposed to positioning himself to try to make a play,” Colin Campbell, the NHL director of hockey operations, said in a statement.

maybe another overtime game with det and nash

Nevermind, 11sec goals own det

holy save by miller

I’m so sick of Detroit. LOL @ Hasek letting in 2 goals in 9 seconds to give up the lead.

Hasek’s not lookin good in his old age

he was the other night

well he better play his best the next game or its done time

i figured Calgary would start Cujo tonight.


cant wait for this game to start…

i LOVE watching Calgary.

It has been the best series to watch imo

Calgary all over sharkys