Official: NHL Playoff Thread

The Colorado/Minnesota series is one I’m liking. Minnesota hasn’t exactly been sitting back and trapping like everyone thinks they always play. Its back and forth action! Not to mention all three games have gone to OT.

no suprise to see philly shine again tonight.

i agree

fuck im at work and i want to watch the calgary game, hopefully its still on at 1220 when i get home

Goodbye Ottawa!!!

hows the rangers devils game going?

Rangers won 5-3 and Nashville is up 2-0

Nice, i hate the devils

I’m sick of Detroit and I want Nashville to win, but Datsyuk is so fun to watch. He’s definitely in the top 3 of most fun players to watch. And that team has a combined 23 stanley cup rings?! What the hell! Buffalo has combined ONE stanley cup ring, and it’s owned by Nolan Pratt.

And you wonder why we’re not in the playoffs.

lol, man did ottawa ever shit the bed this season

My Pittsburg over Ottawa prediction went well.

Montreal over Boston is looking good.

Still think Washington will take Philly.

Jersey over Rangers I made figuring regular season record didn’t mean shit in the playoffs but Jersey has looked like terrible. Maybe the Avery circus motivates them to fight back.

jersey always sucks against the rangers for some reason… even tho i wanted to pick jersey i couldn’t haha

Ehhh, NJ is one of the lamest teams to watch, but I just hate the Rangers so much that I kinda have to root for the Devils.

As for my picks, I really only had 1 solid certainty in the Pitts/Ottawa series. Washington is not really a good team; they coasted through the last 2 weeks of the season due to being in the SE division. Huet, Ovechkin, Backstrom and umm…umm…Boba Fett…sweeeet (Sorry for the Family Guy reference), but seriously that’s about it. Mike Green is an awesome defenceman, but he’s uber young and has never played in the playoffs. The bottom line: I think Philly takes that series in 6 games.

Montreal is going to finish off Boston tonight at home.

Wild vs Colorado- ughh, who cares. I just want that series to end as soon-as-fucking-possible so I can stop watching it. I’ll say Wild in 7.

Calgary vs San Jose- Easily the best series in the 1st round so far. Initially, I was thinking SJ would have their way with the Flames, but this is turning out to be a series. The Sharks haven’t surprised anybody with their typical post-season collapse, and Kipper’s been amazing to watch. I’m going to say Flames in 7.

Detroit vs Nashville- Another series that I thought was going to be a bore. Looks like the home teams have the advantage, and that means Detroit wins it. Too bad though, I really like Dumont and I’m really sick of seeing Detroit win. They’re like the goddamn Yankees of hockey.

Stars vs Ducks- Yawn. Ducks in 6.

geez all the Canadian fans do is bitch every time someone goes down…

amazing stop by huet though


wow boston wins 5-1… didnt see that comin

damn. Biron got over his head there, almost cost them the game.

Lets go overtime

Either of you ready to admit the kid may not be ready for playoff hockey yet? :wink: