Official NHL Trade deadline thread

wow… i dont know you or him personally… but id be damn sure to listen to him over you…

back on topic…

did i miss something or did cheecho get thrown up on the block?? hes one of san joses star players, and the sharks have consistantly been part of the elite of the west the past couple years… i cant imagine them getting rid of him and replace him with who?? the only trade i can think of the sharks doing, is a player that COMPLIMENTS both him and thornton…

lol at forsberg going back to CO…

I agree with you on a lot of things but if there is one team who has had players stand up and shine in time of need it would be the Sabres. Im not saying it will happen this time around and no way, is Paetsch comparable to Campbell, but last year how many players shot out of the gate and shined in our periods of injury. Stafford and Pominville are just great examples of that and Rochester is loaded with some of the AHL’s best prospects. (Mancari, Zagrapan, Hunter and on the other side of the puck with Sakera, Funk, Card and Gragnani)

Replacing an NHL caliber defenseman like what Kalinin has turned into, no problem. And I mean the Kalinin of the last 20 games where he’s been pretty consistant. But Campbell is an ALL STAR. Not average, not slightly above average… ALL STAR.

I drank Darcy’s koolaid last year when he told me the team would be fine, someone would step up and fill the skates of Drury and Briere. I refuse to fall for that again this year because I know better. All stars are not easily replaced.

All that said, I’d like to see them trade him for SOMETHING. I think they’re too cheap to give him the contract he knows he’ll get somewhere else in free agency so if don’t trade him we’re going to get nothing for him. He’ll simply walk away like Briere and Drury leaving the Sabres looking for mediocre replacements. Darcy has had generally decent results bringing in talent on trades and real good luck spotting potential talent in someone who just isn’t clicking on another team (see Briere/Drury at their previous teams).

lol JAYS i agree with you on what you actually said about the situation with the Sabres…

i just hate when people say the “any1 who thinks this is a …”


^Yeah, that’s just the emotion of being a real fan and having to put up with a couple guys at work who say the same thing all the time. “Oh well be fine without Briere, he’s just a diving little pussy” etc etc. “One of those AHL guys will step up and take his place”. Yeah, a diving little pussy who put up 95 points last year.

Now they’re saying the same thing about Campbell (well, not that he’s a pussy but that we’ll easily replace him) and it’s really starting to get on my nerves.

prospal has been traded to the flyers.


Jay what are you talking about? According to the average sabres fan, taking a top player and plugging in an AHLer has no detriment to the team whatsoever. Especially if you do it 5 or 6 times.

did anyone hear me?

how do other teams afford all their free agents and trade players???

oh wow! I can’t believe it sam! thats incredible!

Prospal to Philly from Tampa for :picard:



I said the sabres needed :picard: like a month ago. See official thread

yes, but now tampa has :picard: , and philly certainly improved themselves…

I never thought :picard: was any good. Prospal hopefully will fill some Gagne gap.

Dan Boyle re-signs with Lightning for six years and $40 million…for you shitty math people that’s almost 6.7 million a year.



31 years old<28 years old

On the bright side Campbell is now the best D-Man on the market!!!

theres still a lot of good old defensemen kicking around.

zubov, chelios, lindstrom, gonchar, jovanoski, neidemayer just a few that come to mind.

:word: yea but they are not on the block

Richards prob going to dallas.

Hossa prob to MTL.;_ylt=AhwZY34cuB.zy%20spFVFYMXZh7vLYF?urn=nhl,68602

ugh, i hate dallas…

Nice live tracker setup.

Last year TSN was the first to report pretty much every trade. Those silly Canadians and their religious following of hockey. :slight_smile: