NHL Hockey!!!1!

who else cannot wait for this shit??? i jooost ordered nhl center ice. im gonna have no life watching this ish all the time.

I will be watching the sabres play, then will be watching whatever is on in HD when it’s on. Wont have the surround sound hooked up by then… but I will have hokee on my HD set… I can’t fooking wait… I already told the GF that this is what I am doing and she is more than welcome to come over… but there will be hockey involved.

I’m so pumped for the season! Sabres can’t possibly do any worse than the Bills so there’s a positive!!



:eekdance: go sabres

Fuck the Sabres management…how can you send Derek Roy to rochester and keep Pyatt, Peters, and Connelly??? Than they dont trade a fucking goalie and keep 8 defenseman on their roster. Go Sabres but I hope Regeir gets the boot.

why bother trading a goalie if noone is offering now? let them all play a few games and get some interest

else we’re going to let one of them go like travis henry…dominek hasek…etc etc etc…

no trade is better than ANY trade buffalo will make…

Well things just got better we have 4 goalies now, we just picked up some guy from chicago to send him to rachacha. Regeir definitely has to go.

can’t wait till tonight. Looking forward to see how we play…

w00t bout time, go canucks! :stuck_out_tongue:


we had a chance to get a good goalie during the huge free agency period, but you know how our GM is

going tonight, sabres/islanders :tup:

Enjoy the game i hear they are giving away mini stanley cups whne you leave.

no shit? sweet, the only cups we’ll see in buffalo for a looooong time.



Peters and Mair are on IR. Norenen had little to no time to prove himself in the preseason. Can’t trade a goalie that no one has interest in.

The Connelly thing you got me on. I thought we should of gotten rid of that turd a long time ago. I’m starting to think he gives Regier sexual favors or something. WHY IS THIS GUY STILL HERE?!?!?

We got Leighton (the goalie) to pretty much just play in Rochester. Right now we are keeping 3 goalies up, so somebody has to play down there. We lost Bartovic for him though. I liked Milan. I’m sure once we trade Mika or Marty, it’ll look like a much better move on Regier’s part.

a goalie will be traded soon

I understand what your saying…I’d rather have a player on the roster if i cant get anything in return, but there comes a point where you have to make a move and shake things up. they have been talking for three years about getting rid of a goalie but it still hasn’t happened. Its not fair to the team and especially the three goalies to keep them on the roster. Trade Biron for a third round pick and save yourself $2.5 million on the cap and go sign yourself a defenseman next year.

Or you can get Mika some game action and then dangle either him or Marty in a package deal with Connelly and maybe get a higher pick or a decent defenseman this year.

Yeah right, who’s gonna want Connelly. Pittsburgh is notorious for picking up Buffalo’s shit, but they already are stocked at forward and they have a decent goalie. They need defense. Hmmm, maybe Chicago??? Hell maybe we can trade them Connelly and Biron for Daze!! They seem to like to give us deals (Hasek, J.P. as some examples)

i would love to see daze here, even tho he’s had some injuries in the past. but i doubt they’d deal him seeing they picked up khabibulin so they wouldnt need biron. and they definitely wouldnt trade daze for connelly straight up.