NHL Hockey!!!1!

going to the season opener tonight! go sabres :eekdance:

and you suck the bukaki :slight_smile:

sweet. not sure where our seats are but if you see a lowered black svt 'tour, that’ll be us :tup:

I cant wait to go get to a sabres/leafs game. It’s such an awesome rivalry to watch

Im pumped, just found out I get to go to the Bruins game Friday!!!

Whooo hooooo ahhh nothing like sitting 4 rows up :slight_smile:




/capslock, had to follow skunk :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah, awesome games to go to. Who’s in for a trip to Toronto???

Fuck the sabres. They dont spend their money on decent players, so I won’t spend my money to go see them.
I think im gonna root for pitt this year, i never liked them but its amazing how SOME shitty teams actually made an effort to improve.

biron will go…he won’t stay on as a backup and miller is obviously the goalie of the future in this city

even if we had the chance to pick up a goalie during the offseason, it would serve no purpose. buffalo has their faith in miller, and someone gets to be his backup (cough noronen cough)

now about buffalo not getting a better D during the offseason…well…

cough bandwagon cough


sabres will do fine this year…better than most expect i think…

Well heres how i (expert) see it. The Sabre will probably be stuck with Biron, seeing as he sucks(IMO), didnt play anywhere last season and is way overpayed. Miller is the man-get that through your heads, hes young full of potential and the future here. Norenon will most likely get traded. Why? because hes been at the top of the prospects list that last few years, hes good, and best of all he’s cheap! hes making around league minimum(600g’s) and that is a trait many teams will be looking for with the new salary cap. So I expect Norenon to go along with one of the other young guns the sabres have. I wish Biron was on the outs(could still happen) but its more feasable to prospective teams to be looking at Mika, hell maybe both of em willl be gone and then we can bring up Leightonen! The waiver wire being the way it is now we will see ALOT of players changing teams this year. Go Sabres!

my friend called me today, and told me she won suite for fridays game, and im going :slight_smile:

I’m not bandwagon. Until this team makes a serious commitment to winning, I refuse to support them. Management under Regier has been incompetent to say the least, as they have kept the same team that missed the playoffs for like 4 years running completely intact, in tune with Darcy’s “it’s broke as hell, but don’t fix it anyway” philosophy.
Then this year, they had their chance to redeem themselves, and they chose to stand pat with the same shitty team. Another year of missing the playoffs, coming right up.

i dont know about a lot of you, but i still kinda like biron.

Here’s the real question. Which total will be higher? The number of goals scored by the Sabres tonight, or the number of wins for the Bills this season?

Maybe I should make a poll.

rofl at slick rick

and to joe…apparently a “serious commitment” is signing players for ONE season at big money and then watching your team crumble when everyone scrambles for a new time…aka next free agent signing period

the sabres “same shitty team” will do fine this year…unless you think the team that made the playoffs/stanley cup was any better, b/c that was all relying on a goalie…which we will do again this year :slight_smile:

and i know its going to come up, so i’ll repeat it

“wah wah we didnt resign our two best players”

should we have resigned? yes…but only to trade them. satan, while being a good goal scorer, was a horrible one-way player who rarely skated inside his own blue line. zhitniks only good quality was being a workhorse and sliding like an idiot all over the ice. both of those equaled shitty plus/minus stats

lydman already looks solid tonight…GREAT pickup from calgary…
vanek will be god…millions of times better than satan…

JDMR2 if the sabres make the playoffs this year I will buy you a front row seat. If not, I want one of those custom replica jerseys with CHEAPASSES on it or something

Hmmm si.com says score is 6-4 Sabers. Somehow I don’t see the Bills winning six games…

Just call me Nostradamous

lotta scoring so far in most of these games…its cause theres a million powerplays! after the sabres game i flipped on the kings/stars game and the kings are getting penalty after penalty after penalty haha