OFFICIAL Niagara Meet Aftermath!

Pics and Vids will be up in a bit guys :slight_smile:

im driving the white fc…

haha mike… itll be ok… that car impressed me


ugghhhhh…what happened to hiding the plates???

And I can’t wait until Onyx post’s his video…you were the one with the tripod right?

i cant wait to see how close i came to hitting people in the galleries on video :lol:

who were the girls that i almost squished between cahil’s car and mine

DONE! :smiley:

Wow really super pic’s! :smiley:

I actually made it in a couple from Square One but I still wish I could have made the trip. It sounds like it was a great time.

Im gona make the next one for sure.

Sweet! My car was one of maybe two in the parking lot that Solarian DIDNT take a pic of! Thanks Ant!! :wink:

Nice pics…I guess…

Yeah that was a sweet meet. Thanks out to Bing and everyone who had a hand in organizing it. Met a bunch of new people, learned a bunch of new shit and just had a blast driving a 240 which is really what it is all about right?

So word up to everyone I was able to chat to, and sorry to that guy I kicked coffee on.

And sweet job on those pics Player and Solarian, can’t wait to see the vid.

Thanks Bing and to everyone who helped to make this meet possible and AMAZING.

A couple highlights:

Thanks Pavel for taking me for a rip around that turn and nearly making me urinate all over my jeans and your seat. And for burning out and getting little bits of tire all over my face. I think that girl in coffee time likes you.

Thanks Greg for continually revving the rx7 until it started to shoot flames…and then not stopping for at least 10 minutes until the entire crowd of people were standing around your car coughing.

Thanks to everyone who watched and was astonished at my truly magical abilities.

and thanks to the group of us who kept getting lost and took our own little tour of niagara falls.

hahaha overall a great meet. Can’t wait till the next one.

P.S. If I hear one more VTEC joke I’m gonna kill someone. Bastards! (or just Jantos).

Definitely a sick meet. Especially those backroads later on in the night :stuck_out_tongue: Nice to meet all u guys and look forward to the next meet. Damn all u turbo guys! (Thanks for the ride Jon) I’m definitely gonna have one next season, you definitely made my decision.

I gotta say that the meet was awesome. I loved it. It was my first one and I’ll be definitely coming to the next one. I have to say thanks to Bing for organizing this event, it was amazing. The food was great, and I’m happy that I got to meet many of you. I wish I could have stayed longer, but I had to leave a bit earlier.

hehe, that was me… I was in a hurry to get back to Toronto, so I was doing 150-160 for most of the way… Don’t worry, I’m not crazy. I usually drive much slower :slight_smile:

:shock: WTF? What were you guys doing? :lol:

Awesome meet, thanks Bing and Niagrines for making it all cool and stuff, Now I have an excuse to drive all the way out there… We’ll have to do a cruise soon!

The blonde one was my girlfriend and the other one was Two4Tchaz’s girlfriend. Yeah that was prety close :lol: good driving.


holy balls I didn’t even notice that.


haha no worries…he didn’t get any pix of mine either
:twisted: :twisted:
:lol: :lol:

great meet had lots of fun. hopefully next time i’ll bring my rx7 and shoot flames with gt_gregs rx7. overall was an awsome meet

GAH! Greg you took off the lip! you bastard!