OFFICIAL Niagara Meet Aftermath!

A good time was definitely had by all. This was my first car meet (Ever) And I have to say, the people are great. Especially Hector and Chris, who took the time to change my friends Exhaust. Sorry bout the shirt, H. :thumright:

yeah that was definitely a great meet, thanks goes to bing for organizing it. food was great too. i loved the chicken balls and fried rice. Mmmmm sooo good… the cruise was good too, although there was quite lot of rice at lundy’s lane or whatever, it was pretty funny seeing those civics lol :smiley:

we had a second Niagara meet last year and it was pretty small actually.

if there is reason to beleive that a second 2005 Niagara meet will be bigger and better than this one then we can have another in August just before people go back to school.

Alright, I cropped enough photo’s. I still have more, but my eyes & ass are starting to hurt.

As most of you probably know I have way to many pictures to post on son it would just be crazy…
and I havent gotten them posted on a website that doesn’t take away from the quality, But here you go.
I posted all I could crop for tonight on my cardomain on page 2.

there is about 150 photos or more. Convoy & Meet…


I snapped pics until my GF threatened to kill me. I’m sorry if I didn’t get to your cars :frowning: I also ran out of batteries, and stores were closed :frowning:

Sorry guys/gals but I had to start a new thread - 60+ pics and an almost 100mb vid - CLICK HERE

Lotta pix Avg player! :slight_smile:

I woulda had about 450 except the sun burned about 200 or so photo’s, and the rest were blurry from trying to take them out a window. :roll: 8)

I can’t wait til your meet mercedez, I’ll be a lot more organized.

very nice pics avg plyer, cant wait to see that vid :smiley:

I woulda had about 450 except the sun burned about 200 or so photo’s, and the rest were blurry from trying to take them out a window. :roll: 8)

I can’t wait til your meet mercedez, I’ll be a lot more organized.[/quote]

werd up, its just the begining of the season, we’ll just say this was ur practice run. Thnx anyways for taking the pix you did.

lots of pics.

excellent meet, to bing and everyone who participated

“Better cause god said so”, that guy showed Hector and I some crazy roads, and a glowing red T70 turbo.

Bing’s fall meet? HERE HERE!!!

Oh yeah, there’s uhm 1 pic of my S13 (the flat black POS, SR, S14 leathers,) and that pic is of the roof/interior through the windsheild, it has the nose emblem on the rearview. Its also in the background of the black MR2


holy balls I didn’t even notice that.


He didn’t have enough money for the club membership so I let him work the rest off… I guess his gf saw and took the pic :oops: :evil:


I knew there was something odd about that guy.


holy balls I didn’t even notice that.


He didn’t have enough money for the club membership so I let him work the rest off… I guess his gf saw and took the pic :oops: :evil:[/quote]

Hahaha, i remember my first membership initiation. Good times. 8)

:lol: They got you too huh? :lol:

should we start bringing presents for hector at the next meet for his birthday…? again?

I was totally oblivious. :shock:

Photobucket ate my pics :frowning: They said I went over 1500mb and I’m suspended for a month :lol:

As to that pic… well, atleast I do a good job, Phil wasn’t complaining afterward :smiley:

:lol: It’s Hectors birthday at every meet! Yes presents are good but he like chocolate cake more.