Official:Nyspeed 06-07 Snowmobile Thread

yeah. its a small sled too, only a 550. makes for pretty good maneuverability.

gf’s father can really fly through the trails on it. he knows them real well

my 700 has been built and its stupidly quick for around here i cant hook up at all. stay with a 600 tops around here and your gold

yeah, that thing had a lot left in her powerwise. i couldnt imagine needing anything too big.

in fact, i was talking to him about it. i was curious about the cost of a snowmobile and stuff. he said he only paid a few grand for his, but that some nicer faster sleds are about twice that. i said it seems like u dont really need much more then what he has to get around and keep up. he agreed and said a lot of ppl around there just buy the nicer ones just so they can say they have the nicer one.


Sickmatch - ya I know I have already gotten hassled about having my stickers down there. I always just play dumb and they let me go. I will probably end up moving them anyways just to avoid the hassle.

lol i got busted 3rd sled in a row to have it down there and i got the ticket.

you got an exhaust on ur rev?

nice sled crazylt1 :tup:

i think im gonna upgrade next year myself, need moar powur :smiley:

My exhuast is still stock. Was thinking about buying a pipe - but dont feel like getting hassled by the cops. People I ride with have them - and they have gotten a couple tickets.

Haha tell the to LetItRip

He has a Mach Z 1000 :lol:

and fox i have the perfect sled for you to upgrade too…gimmie a call tommaro

shit i cant hook now with 168 studs ill need that times 2 just to hook with the 1000. hes insane with that around here lol you should trailer to ecc in hamburg to go sleddin sometime

do a mbrp can if you plan changin your exhaust

whatcha got bri?

i hope to be out this weekend but last time i rode my lights started to get dimmer and dimmer until they went out im hoping its not the stator i hear its a PITA to fix…

lmao were you following me or something my voltage regulator went bad on the trails lost all lights workin fine now though

lol yeah i was stalking you :snky: shit sucks though, i dont feel like working on my piece. i am so lazy i may actually just trade it in and get a new one to avoid working on it :biglaugh:

08 will have new sleds for skidoo hold out and you will make out good you wanna go ridin around here soon?

any new riding trails are really turning for the better around here

Trailered to the Hearth in Chaffee last night and hit most of the trails in the northern area of Cattaraugas Cty from there…saw like 6 other sleds all night during our 120 mile trip. Conditions were not bad…some washboarding in the trails, lots of powder in the fields, and LOTS of wind. From about 1am-4am the snow was getting pretty bad and visibility was sketchy…especially when following someone…so that last 50 miles or so were more about just getting to the trailer as opposed to having fun.

the winds pretty nasty now trails are about to turn blue and some green on the erie county website

Was just in rushford lake allll weekend…OMFG the trails are like 6-8sleds wide and flat as a road…i was over 100mph @ all times…

Where’s Rushford Lake???

burr very cold today couldnt see shit untill you actually got into the woods