«OFFICIAL» NYSpeed Spring BBQ! Burnouts! May 22nd *Pics Start Post #265*

sorry i had to run out early guys, had a dyno appointment. but this was a definate blast and im realy glad josh took the time to put this on for us. ALL YOU CAN EAT/DRINK FTW!!! next time ill have to leave the sticky tires at home. :frowning:


Josh make this shit monthly! I had such a great time today. Usually I go to car shows to see friends and am brief in my stay…today I hated that I had to leave!

:tup: to making that meet monthly or atleast more often.

Well Played Josh, Well Played

Did some heaters. Broke some cars. Yelled at people with the bullhorn. Great fucking time.


Bummed I bailed super early. House stuff :confused:
Still had a good time.

Yea that was a pretty good time. All u can eat and drink was great!
looking forward to meeting up with you guys more often
Btw nice cars guys!
Seeing some of the cars makes me wanna boost the S now

^ So awesome. Kinda looks like you photoshopped him in there, though. lol

This picture is AWESOME!

Thanks guys, we’ll definitely be doing this again :tup:

Great pic Ian :tup:

Holy crap your car sounds awesome! :shock:

Who had the silver BMW that sounded amazing?
I’m thinking 4" from turbo back?

^^^ turbociv

tons of fun today, well done josh. cant wait for the slide events. let me know if theres anything i can to help with that

I am so amped…not amped enough to go work on my car but pretty close! haha

Good times! Thanks for the tires Josh!

Had a great time. It was great seeing some familiar faces again and also meeting some new ones.

:tup: to Josh and everyone else that helped out.

Holy crap your car sounds awesome! :shock:[/QUOTE]

I just got a throbbing boner remembering how that sounded…

Oh…and i think this pic should be quoted in EVERY SINGLE POST IN THIS THREAD FROM NOW ON!!

perhaps in every single post in every single thread from now on?

im uploading the vid now, have it going in the background while im doing other things and i heard some rapture type of sounds coming from the video then realized it was jons car, sounds soooooooo awesome <3

i wanna hear this shit! wheres the vid!?

Looks like an awesome time. I’m in the middle of two vacations and had a bunch of shit to take care of today, but will def be in for the next one.
