Official Pittspeed BBQ 2008 thread.

I would like to go…does the bus run out to white oak???

i havent been there since that year…seeing you half naked was enough for me.

i still have nightmares.

and your just scared cause you know ive got more meat and can kick your a$$!

if im not too tired fromt he night before, and decide to show up… you can hitch a right w/ me.


when u say meat,u mean like chipped ham?:ugh:

PomPoms and Chipped Ham. Wow that reminds of this chick…

True story, saw it on the internet.

that was a night to remember.

If everyone can decide on a different day, just let me know. It’s fully changeable to a different day. Starboy mentioned I think the 27th or 28th of this month.

If we can decide on a day so that everyone can be there, I can change it no problem.

dates good

i’m out… I’ll be flying back from Atlanta that day… Shame, was hoping to come out to see some of yinz

Figures I’m working.

Couldn’t be one week later in October or one of the past 12 weekends I had off.

Oh well…

i might be able to come. im not sure if i a going home that weekend or not

How about the week before, Sept 28th? Or week after Oct 12th?

the weekend of the 28th isnt bad either. oct 12 is the lxs shootout in memphis

So are we switching the date or what? I need to notify the park if so.

lets have a poll/vote

Not everyone is going to be able to attend, regardless of what date is chosen.

Aware of it. Just seems like a large number of folks can’t make that weekend.


I vote 28th.

28th im in