Official: Roller Hockey Wednesday Nights - Pepsi Center

well in this thread alone we already have more haha gonna be a good time

Jay…you are a piss wagon.

thats all :lol:

wtf did i do this time :lol:

i’m going to steal your exhaust when you play hockey tonight :eek:

pfft don’t be jealous

I already took it last night :snky: :snky:

:lol: at chara running down the street with racing beat exhaust :lol:

stretch chara!

Nah, I just stretched out my arm from my house. JDM reach ftw y0!!

going to be a good turn out!!


do you guys play ball or puck?



I wanna play.

Give me the details (money wise, and game wise)

10 bucks
every weds night 8-10 at pepsi
we been getting anywhere from 8 people a week to 20. Always have 2 goalies

so tomorrow night is good?

ya man, we need all the people we can get because of the sabres game is on so less people show. If you give me your email I can add you to the list we send out for the week of who’s showing.

BTW - we with have the sabres game on the radio while we play. Rick Jeneratte baby!

i always knew you had a thing for him

oh jeez don’t be so jealous :mamoru:

nothing worse then a jealous poose!

Why? It might get him fired up for Wednesday night!

I’ll be there this week. Although the first home game is important, with the series tied at 1 game each, I think I can safely miss the TV broadcast with out any real regret (OLN announcers are teh sux0r newayz).