Official: Roller Hockey Wednesday Nights - Pepsi Center

stealtth you going?

wtf is with sabres games on wednesday nights

priorities priorities…

ok, i am out tomorrow for hockey

just got tickets for the sabres game

we’re still in, we can listen to the game anyways :tup:

how many people are playing?

i am so in.

hopefully im sober for tonite

i wanna say 10, cya there

‘Im coming tonight with beckington’- Ben


wut equipment we need to play…

helmet, stick, gloves, skates. i would recommend you not doing what justin does, which is not wearing shin guards. in other words also wear shin guards. thats pretty much it.

:TUP: Had some fun, more guys woulda been better, but still good time. Maybe next time more guys=more competiveness

yea next week will be alot better with the sabres not playing

I’ll be there next week. going to Sabres game>pick-up hockey

should be 15-20 people next week, sabres games on weds suck

I seen 3 people at the game that play with us on Weds.

I’ll be there again… maybe limping still :bloated:

free sabres tix > pickup hockey :stuck_out_tongue:

but for real, i’ll be there next week since theres no sabres game :slight_smile:

should i come weds? im on the list and this is my first week back in town from school. i really dont know anyone whos going though :frowning:

just go, you’ll meet people. We all had to at some point.

I still only know like 80% of the people, there is new people every week. Show up! everyone is cool.

execpt Poose

yea Jay’s always up for new guys that show up :gay: