Official Running Thread!!!!!!

If you have run ~5min miles before I bet your natural running(out of training) is better them most of our running when in training haha.

I have not been training as much distance as I would have liked this summer. Kind of disappointed in myself. Have made it to a bunch of races though(5 so far). If anyone wants to bang out a slow 7-10 miles once the sun goes down later holler at me.

I’ve given up my daily running for daily skatepark sessions since I moved to colorado, it might not be as much work but damn is it fun lol

Last summer I was skateboarding a TON and would just go cruise on days I didn’t feel like running. I need to get on that.

Haha thanks. I don’t feel like i’m in “shape” yet. Im struggling just to complete my runs. The week when i was just running 1 mile runs i started with a 9:30 mile and by the end of the week i cut 1:30 out of it… Not too bad. I remember when a 5k was a quick run. Like i said its been 12 yrs, and im 50lbs up from then! (HS i was 6’1" 145, I didn’t get any taller…) I was REALLY skinny then, i’m not fat by any means but i could stand to re-loose a few! :wink: So I’m carrying a little more natural resistance. haha

Yup, I just couldn’t pass up shredding on my BMX with all the concrete parks near Denver, and not being used to the thinner air yet it’s really a workout. I’ve been doing a lot of hiking as well, seems to be a good balance between the two instead of just running, now if only I could start eating healthier I’d be all set.

I ran mile as fast as i could last week and did 6:48 so I was pretty happy but like you I was much faster years ago. My fastest was around 5:40 though. I have been running a bunch of 5k races this year and honestly have not been training much at all so they have been like 25-26min range lol. Last Friday while it was 95 and heat index of god knows what I did the 5k race at delaware park in 24:20 which I was happy with given the heat…I used to do them in ~20min :frowning:

Colorado is super cool. Go to Ft.Collins and drink some New Belgium beer at the brewery!

Doing the Ronald McDonald House one tomorrow. First ever 5k. I’ll be happy with a time between 20min and Friday.

used to run 11 minute 2 mile PT tests… I’m slowly getting back my legs. I’m down almost 65lbs, and my legs are feeling okay to good, but not great. Muscles are adapting back to running and the impact. Feet are good, shin muscles have been sensitive but no splints so another plus. Once I get up to running a good 2-3miles w/o stopping, I’ll be in touch. I’ve been doing the jog/walk/jog thing and not pushing the issue

Kinda in the same boat. Started out running 2.1 miles in 28 min (13 min/mi), I now do the same course in 22:47 (10:36 min/mi). The key for me is just doing the whole thing at a constant slower pace rather than start out fast and be dead half way through and have to walk. When I first start out I get shin splints, but after a block or two, it isn’t noticeable.

Dude just so you know most of the days I run i only cruise around a 9min pace. I really don’t train hard anymore at all. I just like getting out and cruising. I run with my gf sometimes and she is slow as hell lol and I don’t mind at all. Come over and we can run around the park together!(nohomo)

Run…then wings and beer for recovery.

I almost never get shin splints no matter how much I run. If anything I get knee pain when i am running a TON.

Let me get this week in the books, and I’ll be out next week. Ton of ish to do and coordinate. I’m doing ECC N tomorrow AM after Spin @ 5:30, or the treadmill afterwards, trying to get out on the road bike as well. Get at least a hundred on that before week’s close… Teaching @ NCCC saturday & sunday too.

Uggh. I’ve gone for one run since the Canisius Chili Challenge, back in like January. As soon as I get the bathroom I’m remodeling put back together I’m going to go play outside. Just over a mile to a trail through the woods and along the shore of the river. :tup: Plus I live on a park and near a bike path and electric line uitility trails. All sorts of natury stuff to explore.

Fry just come to one of the 5ks that I invite you too! Short lil run then many beers.

I’m trying dude. I gotta get my wife to stop planning so much shit for me.

When’s the next one?

awwww, no one wants to run with the cougar lol

I need to start running again…these southern summers make it tough though. I need to sign up for another 5k to get my mind back into it.

This looks like fun. 6k through mud and creeks and woods and shit. Monday night…


Lets doit

I’ll check with the wife. If we don’t have anything going on I’ll pick you up after work and we’ll go play in the mud.

And I’ve got the OK from the boss. Lets go run in the mud!

That mud run looks like a lot of fun. Hmmmm…