*Official* Shredd & Reagan Cruise Night Thread

We were looking into getting some clubs together and renting the track in September. That way we don’t have to deal with the kids in the 4 door Cavalier with 4 passengers, etc.


hows the tranny, did vince make it better :slight_smile:


Thats why I will only park in the classic section, too much scum that doesnt respect peoples shit in the oval. Next week is going to be interesting.

Im so in for next week, i cant wait to see some of these imports ** waits for some dude with a riced cavy to enter the import section**

again … what was the wagon … make,model,color ???


racing might be fun. Watch for the guys with the CAI’s, fart pipes and super-electric-turbo chargers

edit: lol we should do a “NYSpeed” car for these types of events. Just a shitbox with a lot of power under the hood

lol id love to see the shitbox with alot of power. lol put it up against a kid that thinks his car is hot shit because of the looks. lol

and for the wagon, talk to the one kid on here. he said it was his gf’s car. i really didnt pay attention because i thought it was going to suck, until shit hit the gas

theres a few cars on here that qualify! :rofl:


Its like tan or Brownish?

Its a Caprice Wagon LT1

i actually want to show up with the rustiest car i can find. louded blown exhaust car, broken shit, and see if they let me take it out on the track to show off. lol

Thank you … i just wanted to make sure i knew who it was

hahaha… don’t even drive it in, tow it in (AAA gold member?)

Lol, I was asking this Grand-Am I was about to run if he had anything done besides blue-neon lights. Went something like this:

Hoodie in 4 cyl grand-am: “Wants to race?”
Me: Sure, anything done to it?
Hoodie: “Oh yeah, it gots a little something.”
Me: “Oh?”
Hoodie: “I gots a K&N, turbonator, and speedchip.”
Me: picard you serious?
Hoodie: “Yep it’s pretty quick, so what you have done to that heap?”
Me: “Rust holes everywhere, and a manual boost controller”
Hoodie: “Manual wha…?”

:lol: @ “manual wha…?”

what did he run?

haha right. then put it up in a race again a golf cart, have some friends push the car up to the start for you. then when it starts, everyone pushes to see the time we get. bet youll get a shit load of looks/laughs/wtf’s. along with people talking about it for along time. lol


street tire of choice = nikes

power adder = beer and pasta

edit: 300HP is nothing against 15 fat/drunk friends

Ok here’s a ??

Why the fuck do people feel the need to bring their Dogs (canine/not women) to a drag strip.
anyone catch the rat looking foo foo dog-funny shit

yes. agreed. because dogs obviously love being there with all the noise and shit.

my favorite was watching a 19 year old girl push her baby around the track in the stroller. You fucking waste of space. why the fuck are you going to the track with an infant. just what the baby needs, inhale exhaust, smoke from tires, loud noises, you name it.