Hmmm, how I feel about this swine flu yet.
Worried? somewhat.
Paranoid? nope.
Confused? sure am.
Going to die? most likely.
Hmmm, how I feel about this swine flu yet.
Worried? somewhat.
Paranoid? nope.
Confused? sure am.
Going to die? most likely.
I hate my generation.
yaaaaaa hate to say i told you so…actually, no i dont
your weak “employment at will” argument is invalid. Your using it to justify anything whether contitutional or not. For example, telling women they have to have abortions so they wont miss work (they actually do this in china), forcing employeees to take polygraphs after they are hired without telling them or warning them before they are hired. You cant just say employment at will then do whatever you want to your employees. Private companies are bound tot he laws of the constitution as well.
National Emergency? I am not quite sure what that means in this case.
Will FEMA be coming to your local town to inject you?:tinfoilhat: lol
It means that they can forget certain laws if they feel like it. Ask yourself why before an outbreak we would need to do this, why have we not done this for every other viral outbreak.
Its for the children…Check
It will keep public employees safe…Check
It allows more money to be spent…Check Check
Both my brothers have swine flu. Legit.
They got a fever, took medicine, all better.
This whole thing is completely retarded, it’s just a flu.
Ive been sick for the past few weeks. Had all the symptoms of the dreaded swine flu…an I’m still alive. I’m actually finally starting to kick the fuckin illness whatever it was. My 9 yr old cousin had it a few months ago. he kicked it with antibiotics in like a week if that. If you know how to take care of yourself when sick, then you really have nothing to worry about. The biggest problem is that it is spreading very rapidly. Unless you have a compromised immune system…you really have nothing to worry about imho.
Just looked at the symptoms…how are they any different from the common cold?
Me, hubs and our 2 year old have been sick for 2 weeks and counting, since visiting a overly crowded pumpkin patch.
We’ve had all the symptoms except for the shits…and we’re all still alive. So how do we know if we have it and when should we care if we do?
I wouldn’t care too much if I were you, and if your fever isn’t outrageous after 2 weeks there should be no worry, lol. Most of the people who are dying from this would die from the standard flu as well.
I am saying the same exact thing as the people above, I know… but to answer Vroom, only way to know if you have it is to get tested! I probably had it this past week, and it was no different than any flu I have had in the past.
Good luck getting tested, for some strange reason it is not easy.
Well if he kicked it with antibiotics he didn’t have the flu…
He could have the flu, which his immune system killed, but had secondary infection that the antibiotics took care of. Very common.
I had a head cold and fever over the weekend, went to work yesterday with the sniffles and had 2 customers get almost angry telling me I might have the swine flu and I should have stayed home. I told the 2nd person it was allergies just to shut the bitch up. Where’s the statistic of how many die from regular flu every year vs. this stupid swine flu.
Everyone in my office is sick. I think my South Beach and Slim Fast shakes in the morning are keeping me healthy since they are blasting my system with vitamins before I even walk into the office.
So Ripley won the lottery and got some vaccines? I guess they are already conditioning us for rationed healthcare.
tested positive for it yesterday
quarantined in my room until sunday FTL
missing out on halloween FTMFL
It seems this is spreading through the in-laws…
As soon as someone is sick for a few days, it’s swine flu.
Or, The Dr. is just assuming that it is and “treating” for it anyway because they do not want to bother with the test.
4 cases here at Duke U hospital of people who were vaccinated but still got h1n1
fucking french watering down our vaccines to kill america. lol i hope the dose my daughter got was good.