Swine Flu is in Schenectady.



SCHENECTADY - The first potential cases of swine flu have been reported in the Capital Region.
The Schenectady County Health Department confirms that samples from two patients in Schenectady County have been sent to the state for testing.

Mass hysteria fail, Beanie.


Stole my funnai picture you sonuvabitch.


Awesome pic benny.


seriously though, would be the best thing to happen to schenectady.

Stay away from the lot.

can’t we just build a big wall around schenectady and let em all get it. maybe start over after or somthin??? that place is a fuckin dump

Yeah it is but some of us commute for work :shifty



I did some research and found the cause and/or cure!


the gf was telling me Obama wanted to allot money towards funding if there happened to be a disease outbreak like this…but the republicans turned it down in congress, 3 months later this happens :facepalm

Spending a zillion dollars to prevent 1 toddler from dying is retarded.

Capitalism rocks! Fuck Toddlers!

I think something like this is great, so our focus is away from the economy.

This will all be better when the economy gets better. It ALWAYS happens like that.

Hahaha riiiiggghhhttt

For the same reason we spend our money on mid 90s German sport sedans instead of feeding the starving or donating it all to cure aids.

Yeah fuck them. Fuckers.