Official: "The apocalypse is near" thread.


Russias economy has regained strength based on its sale of energy to it’s neighbors (read price hiking that shit to the moon) which puts it in a larger sphere of influence based on all of the smaller eastern european nations that depend on Russian energy exports. Putin did an amazing job of taking a down and out country and bringing it back to power. Russia has alot more power now than it did at the end of the cold war and still swings a veto on the UN security council which will always keep it as a powerful nation.

Russia has put down the EU and UNs attempt at making Kosovo and independant nation, it will stop a missle defense shield that is to be built in poland and other EE countries.

Russia is losing population because people just aren’t having kids as much. That and alot of emmigration.

Iran is not a threat to the Continental US and wouldn’t be before we become proactive and attack them. Barring any terrorist shit here.

I would worry about tensions with Russia as it looks like the next president most likely to take control is a very very hard liner ex kremlin communist type. Either way general russian views towards the US currently speak of disappointment and frustrations at our actions abroad. They (general public) view us as over stepping our bounds and being greedy.

I would be worried more about China, North Korea and Venezula than Russia. Russia at least plays by the rules…most of the time.

I would worry about living in WNY if you are worried about nuclear annihilation. Like in the lte 80s and 90s there was a reason NF air force base had fighters stationed here. We are a very strategic target as Niagara Falls powers half the eastern sea board.


Russia economy has grown by leaps & bounds. It will continue to do so. This is def garnering more influence in their neighborhood.
However, on the national scale or “superpowers”, they are still behind. Cashflow is large, but the infrastructure is still severly lacking (tho in process). It will be 10 yrs before they are able to throw around as much global economic “influence” as the US, China, & the EU.

Agreed on the populous.
Agreed on the middle east.
But with regards to the next Russian president… well, sadly, alot of that has to do with the next US president… as far as Russia political role in the global arena. Obviously the next US prez will have little outcome on the Russian elections… but the interactions of the two are key.

China scares me most. Politically & economically.
Venezuela & PRK are rogue threats… which deserve a little fear / respect based on the rogue aspect.

And, while the Niagara power project is a very real concern in the event of nation-state warfare… I don’t think it’d be a primary target for terrorism.
Yes - it’d obv. be a big blow, but terrorism (in the facet which we face now) is more geared toward attacking the american lifestyle (capitalist pigs et al)… I’d think the Galleria Mall would be a more likely target. Unfortunatly.

All my $0.02 tho.

And… Don, you wanna do some front end work on the wife’s Alero? Or still busy with fun stuff?