OH hi, i upgraded your life (Zonda meet)

While it’s an impressive performer, I truly think it’s an ugly car.

says the guy with the esprit.

if you say it’s an ugly car, i’d hate to see what you think is a good looking car.

Thank you for voicing my thought.

i could only dream…


i like that orange and black one

EDIT: i just notice they put what number car they have on the side lol

I wonder if their forum has working banners…


I knew you’d say something like that. Got to love internet forums…

Pretty sure newman would’ve said that in person as well…


It is pretty funny. Definition of pot calling the kettle black? Guy who drives an ugly mediocre performance car calling out another car for being ugly.

Hmm…I’d hardly call the Esprit ugly. But that’s just me. The Zonda doesn’t look good to me. It’s just not a pretty car…to me. I find the Esprit to be a beautiful car, which doesn’t look awkward from any angle at all, like the Zonda does.

But hey, I guess opinions are like assholes, right? It sure rings true on this forum.

And it’s funny how people change their tones from real life to the internet. People can like my car or not, doesn’t matter to me. But no one here has a Zonda, and I can bet pretty much my bottom dollar, no one ever will on NYSpeed. So, for me to say it’s ugly shouldn’t affect anyone. But everyone loves throwing in their 2 cents behind a keyboard.

would you tell a zonda owner in person that his car was ugly?

by this logic we can only make negative statements about cars that no one on the board owns?

does it hurt your feelings that most people think the esprit is ugly?

love the crazy design of them, interior has crazy knobs and air vents keeps it interesting, outside is just as crazy with the rear exhaust and front lights…

^i was act in the market for one…

Zonda, Zonda, Corvette, Zonda, Veyron.


I hate the look of the ass end, love the rest of it. One impressive fucking car though.

soooo much carbon fiber!

I think i’m going to jump off a cliff now. Looking at that amount of wealth gets me depressed.

wow omg thats awsome where is that?