Your personal definition of a bad driver

Well considering I bitched about people not knowing about lane discipline in the same post, I don’t think you need to worry about it. I’f I’m in the left lane, I’m passing people before merging back into the right lane, or there’s an exit on the left. If I’m driving in the left lane, its likely because the right lane is going slow, and I’m passing LOTS of people. Even if I’m in the process of passing someone on the left, if I see people barreling up on me, I speed up and move over.

The tailgating complaint was referring to people who tailgate behind me while I’m going 75 in the right lane on the thruway, with half a mile of left lane clear to pass me. Or when I’m on rt 7 and the lane next to me is empty. When I get tailgated on some roads (union street, balltown, 50, etc), I gradually slow down. It infuriates tailgaters, and arguable makes the situation safer.