Your personal definition of a bad driver


Well considering I bitched about people not knowing about lane discipline in the same post, I don’t think you need to worry about it. I’f I’m in the left lane, I’m passing people before merging back into the right lane, or there’s an exit on the left. If I’m driving in the left lane, its likely because the right lane is going slow, and I’m passing LOTS of people. Even if I’m in the process of passing someone on the left, if I see people barreling up on me, I speed up and move over.

The tailgating complaint was referring to people who tailgate behind me while I’m going 75 in the right lane on the thruway, with half a mile of left lane clear to pass me. Or when I’m on rt 7 and the lane next to me is empty. When I get tailgated on some roads (union street, balltown, 50, etc), I gradually slow down. It infuriates tailgaters, and arguable makes the situation safer.

Negged ilya.

People that can’t do the simple calculation of, “If I pull out of this Stewart’s lot will the oncoming car have to slam on their brakes to avoid my Prius?”

Happens to me every day. Why pull out in front of me so that I have to slow down when there are NO cars behind me and you could pull out at your leisure after I pass?

In addition, any Prius driver. It seems like they either are trying for the land MPG record doing 34 MPH everywhere or they are getting worse fuel economy than everyone else by doing 80+ on the highway while their tiny little engine SCREAMS.

Oh yea, forgot one. The other thing I hate, is when your in the middle lane and your coming up on someone, so you move to the left lane to pass them, and for some reason they decide to either, 1: speed up so you move back over only to have them slow down again or 2: they start pacing you so they are side by side when all you needed to do was pass and you have faster moving traffic behind you.

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On the topic of pacing I hate when you are driving on a highway alone late at night and someone either going faster than you catches up to you and hangs on your bumper or the slow driver that speeds up as you pass them to pace behind you. Sorry buddy but if you don’t like driving alone late at night stay home. Your headlights in my rear view are not appreciated. Usually I’ll just every so often hit the decel button on the cruise until they feel like I’m going too slow and finally pass me.

That’s due to the fact that they have zero clue what speed they are actually going and can’t seem to figure out how cruise control works.

THAT makes me road rage hard. Like, getting a ticket hard. Brake checks down to 20, speeding up to 100, tailgating with highbeams. FUCK. I honestly snap when that happens. Lights behind me at night make me so tired and for someone to speed up 10 mph to follow me for miles is just bullshit. Pace me during the day, idgaf really. FUCK OFF AT NIGHT.

FUCK. I have had too much caffeine today.

and that will get you a ticket.

brake checking someone without warrant ahead of you is illegal.

Ask HotWheels how well that worked out with that DaddysS4 Kid that fucked with him.

Adding to the list:

  • Truck drivers, as in PROFESSIONAL drivers that get their jollies off acting like a rolling road block with the truck next to them. Flat roads, pull out to pass the other truck and back it down to the same speed along side of them for miles… just to pile up car behind them.

Now I understand making a pass and coming up to a hill and not having the grunt you though you did to complete it… but on the same token, you are one of the very few people on the road MAKING A LIVING DRIVING… you would think at that point you would be awesome at it and do it to the best of your ability.

  • Snow plow trucks doing the same shit. slightly staggered covering both lanes doing 35mph in a 55 or 65 road, with a dusting to a few inches on the road. My bald tire FWD doesnt have any problem driving on those roads, so I doubt the 65 other people pissed off behind you douchebags do either. Stagger it a bunch more so people who want to pass can.

The technique I’ve found that works most of the time to get someone to move right is to straddle the right side white line and tailgate. They get scared you’re trying to pass on the shoulder and move the fuck over :ahh

It works pretty good lol

So because someone’s an idiot in the left lane, you’re an asshole? Makes sense.

You realize they’re doing that so there won’t be a snow bank in the middle of the road, right? They’re doing it for safety of all motorists, whether it’s a hassle to you or not. Rather than wasting tax payer money and having to make two passes so other drivers won’t be hassled, they do it in one to save money and energy.

Well that’s the worst fucking one you dickface

Read on further and you can see my reasoning.

Don’t know why you’re so mad at me Ollie.


You have obviously never driven/riden in a plow truck before.

They used to run two trucks…middle lane and slow lane to keep those two lanes clear and plow fast lane every other pass. It does not leave a bank in the road if both plows are staggered with blade aiming into right shoulder.

They changed the rules a few years ago and decided to plow all three at the same time at 40mph. WHICH IS UNSAFE AS FUCK PERIOD.

WRONG OR NOT…fast lane cruisers deserve everything PROVOKED road raged idiots, like me, throw at them.

Have not and will not read further.


Please forgive me for not being an expert snow plower. I will think twice next time before talking about snow plowing in front of seasoned veterans like yourself.

Still doing WGI next month?

If you haven’t booked a hotel yet, there is a group discount for the Watkins Glen Harbor Hotel (the nice hotel in town, overlooking the harbor/lake). Just say you’re in the Watkins Glen Car Club and the rate goes down to like, $145/night (from $250). Other than that, the only hotel I’d stay at is The Falls.

I’m glad you reminded me! I gotta get on that. I’d probably just drive home for the night though. My hometown is Seneca Falls so it’s like a 45 minute drive.


Oh, yea, that’d make more sense. What run group are you in for the event? Or are you just spectating?