Your personal definition of a bad driver

I’ll be running novice. Still gotta register and get matching tires and other little things but I can’t wait!

*people who stop for a traffic circle
*people who text and drive, not paying attention to a goddamn thing
*assholes who flip you off for kindly flashing your lights when they are in the left lane doing the speed limit and you are trying to pass

Definitely, WGI is a great time. You going with anyone?
I hope to have a new addition to the car by then.

I can’t stand people who stop at circles. Or the people who think they have enough time to get in front of me while I’m in one, and end up making me slam on my brakes.

Even worse are the people who stop IN the circle to let other people who have a yield sign in. GTFO.

Also, I tend to flash my high beams to oncoming traffic if there’s a hazard on the side of the road (deer, motorist, etc…) and sometimes I get people that will respond by just turning on their high beams. I hope they feel like douchebags when they see why they were “flashed”.

Yup common rule of the road. Flashing high beams means there’s either a cop, animal, disabled car, kids, a box of dildos, etc. ahead. If someone has their highs on and forgets to turn them off you just give them the solid high beams back haha.


I operate the same way. If someone is going faster than me, I let them have their way. I’m not a left lane cruiser lol.

You actually +repped me, ya fool. :lol


This. Happens to me all the time when I’m driving the van for work (can’t speed as much as I do in my car since it’s a company car). Hate that crap.

Huh? lol.

So if they are in the left lane…you straddle the white line on the far right side (or even the middle line)? How is that going to scare them? Aren’t you basically in the right lane at that point? Why would they care about you then? They’ll just expect you to keep moving over right and pass them.

Maybe I’m just tired and didn’t read that right. :lol


I admit I’m an asshole as Cossey put it. If you are being a tool on the road, I will mess with you if I have nothing better do (for example, if I’m driving to VA and am not on a deadline to be there by a certain time). I’ll spare the 30 extra minutes to piss you off to the point where you either move over or I get bored.

FUCK. I owe you a neg motherfucker.


Ilya it sounds like you drive like a huge faggot

My one HUGE gripe is in construction zones where the lanes are reduced, and normal people start merging over a fair distance before the lanes closed and then some asshole flies up and tries to pass everyone. I usually try to ride the middle to not let people pass. Ended up pushing some ni**ger into the barrels the other day on 787 because he kept trying to fly by every one. Im usually a very calm person on the road, and used to drive for a living, but this is the one that that drives me insane and makes me want to PIT motherfuckers like no tomorrow


Says the kid who used to horse around on a Super Moto or whatever that thing was.

nah, im tired… I meant the left line. make em think youre gonna pass em on the left shoulder :lol

Exhibit A:


So if they try to beat you to the circle they are in the wrong or if they stop and yield they are also in the wrong? :rofl

No. I said if they try to get in front of me while I’m already in the circle. Not like I see a guy from another entrance/exit to the circle and make sure I get in first. I’m talking about the people that cut you off as you’re going around.

Stop and yield I meant the ones who see absolutely no traffic coming, but still coming to a complete stop before going in like it’s a stop sign. Or even worse, which happens very frequently, is when someone IN the circle stops to let someone else in. There comes a time when someone’s courtesy is discourteous to others.

Oh man dont get me started on people that dont yield.

Central ave past 87 going to Schenectady is the worst.

People coming off the highway will run you straight out of your lane instead of yielding.

I ranted about this one in the past. Some bitch did it again today.

Up State street down by north pearl st. Hotel Albany (AKA Crown Plaza) is on the right corner by the bus stop. There are 2 signals and a no right on red sign next to the far right signal. I am first in line, right signal on in the far right lane (SEE NOT BUS LANE). Bitch is running up behind me, no blinker but half in the bus lane, I throw my arms up like “WTF” and point at the light. she blows around me in the bus lane, I lay on the horn and she stops abruptly in the middle of a right on red at full speed. Dude in the bus next to me laughs and says he sees this shit every day people are assholes.

So light goes green, bus dude lets me take my turn and I follow her into my parking garage. we park and as she walks by I ask “Did you not see my signal back there? And I bet you were about to take a right on red too, in the BUS LANE.” I got back a “I drive just fine you smart ass punk!” LOLWAT??? I said “no you dont, and driving like that will cause accidents and kill someone on a motorcycle, there are two lights for a reason, you were in the bus lane, I was in the turning lane” Nothing but a gruff grunt and she stopped walking in to get away from me.


i do the same thing, i hate those motherfuckers