oh-no-colonie popo rock

Your windows are blacked out you said? That’s illegal… and they usually write citations for that, I’d consider yourself lucky.

That was also the probable cause for the stop.

[quote=GranMassaX;255293]they are a-holes cause they caught paul speeding? :lol:lol

no they’re a-hole because they don’t let ANYONE out of a ticket EVER and take FOREVER to settle and give court dates!!!

Paul got a ticket December 18th 2006. Didnt get anything in return by mail until April of 2007. Court date July 2007. Postponed to August 2007. Settled October 2007… almost a year later? wtf… mhm!!! :lol

i just get tickets and never get searched or talked to, is it because im white?

So it didn’t go on his record for almost a year…why would you bitch about that?

That means it’s only a few months until it’s off his record, instead of 18 months.


because he got a ticket in October 2007 out in Canastota or where ever out west near syracuse on I 90 and it was 4 points… 8 points in 18 months and you gotta pay 300.

then stop being an immature little bitch and take responsibility for your own actions. To say you couldn’t possibly stop any sooner is fucking retarded. Yes, its all the cops fault cause YOU slid… grow the fuck up.

I’m only a “faggot” when people say such stupid shit, which you seem to do A LOT.

I break the law everyday (I go over the speed limit all the time), but it’s my fault if I get a ticket, not the cops :retardclap

everyone speeds… that’s life. it sucks when you get caught but sucks even more when the cop is a complete asshole. When they take their sweet ass time and have a million and one excuses… it’s bull shit.

Yeah it’s their job, but when the cops are assholes I think I have the right to bitch.

So you just pay your speeding tickets without say “shit! i got caught!” “eff i’m being pulled over!” “don’t give me a ticket” nothing? you say “yes officer I was speeding, thanks for doing your job. I’ll pay out my ass.”

I think not. :lol:lol:lol

did I say I’m happy when I get a ticket? no!

find where i said it was the cop’s fault bc i slid bc i cant seem to recall saying that. i tried to stop, i wasnt driving too fast for road conditions, i just have shitty tires and dont have teh extra money to buy new ones. but w/e i’ll go back to saying some more stupid shit on here

it’s still ultimately your fault.

imagine this:

you’re in your previous car, the M3, and some assclown in a 4500lb suv with shitty tires slides into you at a light, with a cop watching the whole time, a light which you managed to stop for because you were anticipating the possibility of sliding and braked accordingly.

Wouldn’t you want that cop to give him a ticket?

I know I would.

he didn’t hit anyone though so this scenario doesn’t work…

sounds like a someone was having a bad day. pretty unprofessional stuff from the cops i’d say.

granmassa, i’ve never met you, do you actually ever come out of your house bro?

How not, what if he had? It was still his fault for sliding into the intersection.

I honestly don’t care, I hate getting tickets but one thing I don’t do is try to say the cop had no basis for giving me the ticket.

gladly… read this:

This is all a complete lie in your lame attempt to say that couldn’t help the situation (ie: not your fault). If you couldn’t stop in time, then yes, you WERE driving too fast. Since you already acknowledged that your tires are junk you should have slowed down and hit the brakes earlier, duh! But the cops are the assholes.

You should feel lucky that all you got was a ticket instead of hitting someone, but nope… :Idiots

gtfo thats complete and utter bullshit harrassment. i would be pissed to. esp since it seems you really didn’t do anything and i didn’t think you were all that bad to them? i mean you weren’t out of line or anything. fucking colonie.

Massbag has a point. If you can’t stop in time, you were going too fast for conditions. Slow down next time.

  1. You can’t possibly blame a cop for giving you a speeding ticket. If you don’t want to get a ticket, all you have to do is don’t speed! Not really that difficult of a concept to grasp.

Singh you’re lucky they didn’t give you a tint ticket.

It’s not harassment, a blacked out BMW may look sketchy to a cop. And thanks to the Patriot Act they do NOT need a warrant to search through your car. It’s like when I lived on campus at Siena and people bitched that security used to search their rooms without “permission”… guess what, when you sign the housing agreement, there is a section that gives them permission to search rooms WITHOUT your authorization and at any given time of the day.

guarantee I’m out of the house more than 90% of the people on here. I love how people get the impression that I’m home 24/7 just cause I don’t go and attend any shift518 meets or meet people out for lunch or anything other of the such.

I inadvertently did go to one shift meet though, but thats cause it was at eliot’s house and I go there whenever invited on a weekend. I met several shifters then.

i do not give a fuck what some bullshit ass Patriot act says. its harassment and a violation of your constitutional rights. You people need to stop bending over, just cause something is a law doesn’t make it right.

blacked out bmw that comes up on the computer with having an insurance lapse… yeah, he is lucky that he didn’t get at least a tint ticket. They didn’t need to let him call him bro to verify info, but they did. Sure they wasted everyones time, but thats the only thing worth complaining about.

i bet any amount of money the ins didn’t come up lapsed.