Ohio Title...What do i have to fill out on the title...

Well i just got my car back from ohio, i had the owner fill out the top part and there is a section with a notary. is that supposed to be filled out and everything? or would the take it without a problem?
Has anyone have experience with the ohio title?

This is what i have for the DMV
I have the bill of Sale,Insurance card, the title signed but i don know if its filled out right.

any help would be great thank you.!

is the title notorized? i brought the conquest home from ohio and it needed to be noteized once filled out before i could do anything

it has to be notarized b4 u can get your title and registration. i had the same problem with the camaro

how would i get it notarized? do i take it somewhere? does the previous owner/new owner [me] have to be present or i just need the title and they will sign and notarized it.

goto or call the dmv /thread

^^^i tried it automaticed and i tryed to get customer service and its a 4hr wait then i get disconnect…whats new with the dmv.

if both signatures on there have to be notarized, both people who are signing should be there. All a notary is, is a legal witness to the signatures. They can typically be found in most banks.

banks/town hall/ the dmv here in ohio. i just gave the kid my name he went to the DMV with his info and my name got in noterized and i was set. you may want to contact the prevous owner and see if you can send him the title and have him notoized it, MAKE SURE all your stuff is on there and such so he cant re nig

^^^thank you very much im overnighting the title tomorrow so hopefully i should be good for the dmv in 2 days.

not a problem

edit: say applys for NC

Yea if you’re buying it out of state, He has to sign the title and get it notorized. Then you get the title, sign it and take it to the DMV. I bought 2 of my 3 cars from out of state (I live in Ohio).

me 2 i hate this hell hole lol