So, if anyone is familiar with PA state titles for cars, apparently there is a place to have it notarized when the previous owner signs it. Unfortunately, the previous owner of my FD never had it notarized.
Has anyone dealt with a PA title?
Does it definitely need to be notarized or am I misunderstanding the wording?
Does the NY DMV even give a shit?
Does anyone know a notary who will stamp that shizzle for a cool $20 or something?
The title and everything is legit, but the seller just either thought it didn’t need to be notarized or didn’t feel like bothering with it. I’d love to get the car registered soon…
i can gaurentee that no notary will stamp it now.
i would try with the dmv and play stupid.
good luck
If 'm not mistaken, when you’re signing for a new title, you have to follow the rules of the originating state.
If you go in to the DMV and ask to put it on the road, you can do that with the previous owner’s registration paper. When I went to go get the title for the Datsun, that’s all I had, no title. They said no sweat, if you put it on the road, you dont need to file for a new title, or even have it in hand, just the previous registration paper and a bill of sale ( my BoS was handwritten with fill in the blanks).
that may be because you datsun was before the day of titles. i was told i didnt need a title when I went to register my datsun, just some form and a bos.
i bought a car from pa, but i had my title notarized
just go in there and see what you can get away with. cant hurt
sorry, but it MUST be notorized to change owners/register in NY.
I just moved here from PA and had many cars while ion PA. Its a pain in the ass.
Fuck. This might be fun. Good thing I still have a lot of work to do on the car before it matters…
PA is a pain in the ass, they have notary express places all over though.
My brother had to get a temp tag, it was a big ordeal.
I hate that damn state. I also can’t believe a notary won’t take some money to notarize the title. Maybe that’s why they have a stamp guaranteeing their honesty and I’m trying to bribe people.
Fuck. This might be fun. Good thing I still have a lot of work to do on the car before it matters…
then send it to them and have it done
Probably will, I just don’t like the idea of the title leaving my possession right now. It’s the only title and it’s not in my name. I’m fucked if something happens. Plus, I have to wait for some guy to go get it notarized at his convenience and hope it makes it back to me too.
It’s a last resort, but I’ll do it if I have to.
Brent I just did this.
yes it has to be. If the previs owner already singed it. you have 2 options. the tilte is still fine.
1 get a notierized with the current sig.:snky:
2 a notized place will have them just re sign under that line they already did. and thats fine for them, and the dmv.
Ah, cool. Good info, I’m hoping to get #1 done, but unless someone recommends me a crooked notary. 
yea, the state the title is issued from, is the states laws that must be complied with. Otherwise people could use the lax laws of other states to skate out of leins and stuff. We had this issue in NC, a guy bought a car from a guy in FL. the title was from OH, and the guy in FL never registered the car. So the OH title was never noterized, and now the guy with the car has a title, with a different guys name on it, with no notary stamp. We got it sorted out, but we had to commit fraud against a notary, and so forth. Good luch with this, i’m sure NYS won’t help a bit getting this resolved.
I just registered a car with a PA title and it was not notarized. The only thing that saved me was I bought the car from a dealer and had lots of paperwork like a bill of sale. When I talked to the person who first looks at all your paperwork she said that it must be notarized, but I could try it anyway. When I got to the person at the desk she never said a word.
I just registered a car with a PA title and it was not notarized. The only thing that saved me was I bought the car from a dealer and had lots of paperwork like a bill of sale. When I talked to the person who first looks at all your paperwork she said that it must be notarized, but I could try it anyway. When I got to the person at the desk she never said a word.
^^ See I’m pretty sure that how it works, when you simply want to register the car, there’s a whole hell of a bunch of steps you can skip. I know my car was an old one, but the lady never knew that, I just told her I have a registration from the last owner and BoS because the guy I bought it from lost the title. She said if I want to register it I don’t need the title, otherwise I have to file for a new one.
I dunno, I’d run up to the DMV on E.Henrietta, I’m still thinkin you can get away with it. Only AFTER the fact did I tell her I just want a replacement did she even look at the registration to see the year, which of course allowed me to get the new title.
I guess I should have said I was applying for a title too. The lady at the desk never said anything about it.
Just got turned away because it’s not notarized. Bad times.
Any suggestions on how to cover my ass when I send the title back to him to be notarized?
Just got turned away because it’s not notarized. Bad times.
Any suggestions on how to cover my ass when I send the title back to him to be notarized?
Of all people you should have asked me, I got stuck in the same situation after Andre didn’t sign the title to the E30.