Oh's no's!!!!!

I’m still laughing at this:

Dear BoxerSix,

You have received an infraction at evolutionm.net.


Reason: Dodging the 50 Post Private Classifieds Rule

Our rules apply to all members, regardless of the situation. We ask that you respect them.

This infraction is worth 5 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

All the best,

Our rules/FAQ’s can be found here:

Infraction…they make is sound like a traffic violation :lol

Moral of the story…I broke the TPS sensor on ERics Evo installing the drivetrain into his car last week, needed new one @ $200 from Mitsu…went on Evolution M to place WTB ad and couldn’t due to not meeting a required post count(50 posts). Put an ad in the general evo forum requensting an emergency TPS from anyone who had one so that I could get the car running and still meet customer deadlines and race alignments. Many members stepped up, one eventually shipped the sensor to me at no cost(aside from shipping charges).

I get this in a private message today from the moderators there saying my account has been limited further. Oh no guess I can’t post in the questions section now as well as the FS/WTB area.

Hey Evo M.net…FUCK YOU :asshole No sponsorship funding from me!

wow thats :gay


I’m sure there some other local sites that would be glad to have a new sponsor :ninja

thats retarded. EvoM is rediculous.

you rebel you

I got that form email from Mike at RSPEED. I thought he typed it up. I guess I was wrong. :smiley:

their loss, Adam

I seriously don’t think those f**cks know who I am or my business for that matter, even though when I do post over there it’s for some crazy techy Evo related prototyping like the stuff in Erics car. I work on more Evo’s than Porsche’s lately. That place is as bad as dsmtuners.com most days :idiots Ohwell, I’ll wait until the restriction is up and then go give them a good reason to “infract” apon me.

if you do go on there and rant, please refer to yourself in the third person… awesome

oh and please provide us with a link for viewing pleasure.

hahaha wow dude :idiots

i managed to get banned from a forums by posting once! :crackup i can give u the jpeg link that did it or post it here if i wont get banned for that

I dont think you’ll get banned on here, unless your first name is travis (JOKE)

I can’t…they deleted the post!

:wow :sad

LOL! EJEvo finds that comment hilarious. EJEvo is also sorry for the douche-ness that BoxerSix ran into @ EvoM. Many EvoM members have noted the heightened crankiness and rod-up-the-a$$-ness of some of the key moderators there. EvoM announced a zero-tolerance policy of many self-proclaimed rules (http://forums.evolutionm.net/announcement.php?f=69), and as such the place isn’t what it used to be. EJEvo believes EvoM is feeling the heat from EvoTuners.net

And i believe you need to stop talking in third person.

lmao what the fuck is going on in here? i’m to drunk to follow.

Good to see you on here EJ!

Adam - It’s unfortunate that they placed their douchbaggery on you. I say work for an IP ban.

come on dude hes not a bad dude in person