Oil Change Scenario......

So one month before I met my girlfriend, she made the mistake and bought a 2008 Pontiac G5. The thing is a piece of trash, it has already been in for warranty work twice for multiple things and it only has 47,000kms.

ANYWAY, the distributor on my beater went and I had to borrow her car for the day. When I was putting gas in it, I thought I’d check the oil to make sure everything is working properly and that it isn’t burning or leaking any oil. To my shock the oil was over filled by at least a litre!! So I thought, ok maybe it’s just bubbling or something I’ll check it when it’s cold. So I brought it home changed my distributor and let it sit for an hour or so. I went to check it again SAME SHIT.

Now, I have made sure she does all her oil changes on time, and we have only taken it to GM dealerships. I called GM Canada to see what they said about it maybe it could be beneficial to us. But because it has been 3 months since the oil change nothing can be done. Basically the guy was saying that I should be checking the oil and drain plug every time a CERTIFIED GENERAL MOTORS DEALERSHIP does an oil change just to make sure everything is ok.

What’s stupid is that that we take the car there so the warranty doesn’t void. When the car would be much safer if I did the oil change in my driveway. Looks like I’m going to have to watch that oil change kid like a hawk now.

Thought I would see what you guys have to say on this subject.

idiots…hopefully u didnt blow any seals…

As someone who works in GM service, I’m not shocked. Alot of GM dealers have a “lube bitch” Who is basically some kid who knows nothing doing the oil changes/wiper blades etc. all day - At My dealer only the techs do the service, even oil changes.

Like any manufacturer, the dealers are private owned and not all dealers will be ran the same.

im pretty sure that most if not all dealerships are run like this.

Not as big of an issue as yours but Ford forgot to put my dipstick back in my new truck. Was like that for prob 2000 km until i noticed. Makes you think what else they forgot…

I hate GM quality, haven’t had any problem with my Ford though.

GM Quality? what is that?

Good advice from GM canada IMO. If you trust that everytime you take your car in for an oil change that its done right you have WAY to much faith in humanity.

I double check everything anytime something is done to my vehicle at a dealership (which is pretty much never).

Esp. something as simple as making sure the oil level is correct.

If you drive a car you should know how to properly check and fill fluids, new or not.

As far as I’m concerned checking your fluids should be part of a driving test… but so should being able to DRIVE… and they haven’t got that part right yet… lol

Well you better let your grandma or mom know or who ever that they need to climb under the car to make sure that their drain plug is tight as it should and check to make sure that they put the right amount of oil in.

I think its stupid. You take the car in to a dealer for an oil change so the warranty doesnt void. Then they do something which interim made the decision that regular Joe Blows cant change their own oil because it would void the warranty.


sounds like

what gm did you get it serviced at? I worked at Saturn and GM in whitby and shit like that would not fly, should take it up with the dealership they more then likely will provide some extra services to compensate, that shit shouldn’t fly at all.

Leggat Pontiac Buick Cadillac in Burlington

Take it over to john bear in hamilton. Upper james. We don’t fuck around.

I don’t work at the hamilton store, but our dealerships are all modeled the same, You want good service, go to John bear.

when my wifes grandfather goes and gets his oil change done at the dealship for warrenty reasons he goes home and drains all the oil out and does it all over again…i work and express lube at canadian tire and i see this all the time…and pretty much everyone thats like that got their oil changed at a dealership…i even had a lady come i8n the other day and shes like can you see who did my oil change last…so i did and i asked her why and she had said that the oil had been filled all the way up to the filler cap and was spilling out of the hole and it ruined her car…i asked her did you put more oil in it or anything…she says well yes i put 1 and a half big jugs into it…she says well i had to get my car fixed because of you guys and i want a free oil change…lmao some stupid ppl in this world i tell ya…lol


I know tons who ahve worked there.

Driving over sunfires with duramax’s
Drifting in customer sw20 mr2s
Pressure washering slr interiors
No oil in SRX…

yeah, it happens alot.

pawn off the vehicle payments on an elderly couple who doesnt do much driving that way they wont have to deal with it often and youll get back a good chunk off money/off payments.